pihip wrote...
King Dingaling wrote...
There is nothing wrong with being unemployed, as long as your needs are met.
My needs are met thanks to my parents' continuous support (then again, I'm not that expensive to maintain, if you know what I mean :p), but being twenty-seven and never been employed (weather due to the current crisis or personal problems) is kind of shameful, or at least not commendable.
Honestly to me this is a failure of the previous generation rather than your own. My great grandfather was taught metal working and machinery by his father so thoroughly he could build his own car from base metals. My grandfather always envied that skill but was pushed into schooling and never had time to learn all those skills from his father, instead he got things that he never made use of. He's still a good mechanic etc.
Fast-forward that to me and all I was taught growing up was how to fix a bike.
In the last few generations many factors from relationship stability to reliance on public education to a culture that kills small business means skills aren't being passed down and children are not being given jobs and basic practical skills. If my grandpa wanted a job he had a job on the farm. When I want a job I have to go through tedious application process with a stranger representing a faceless corporation.
Don't get me wrong, I'm the same age as you and I've lived on my own for over a decade and have a good sized family to take care of and own my own home ect... But I see people my age struggling so much to find a decent job, hell I hate my own but can't afford to leave it, it's very rarely their own faults that they can't get something or at least can't get something that's not some retail or restaurant crap job. My area is supposedly 'prospering' because it has more jobs, but it has far less full time decent jobs and far more marginal low end part time corporate jobs...
Our industry is sold out and our family businesses crushed. The future won't be as prosperous as the last few decades unless things are turned around.