theotherjacob wrote...
Oh for the love of god. Maybe we should strangle these whiny babies with ties. Women can wear ties too, it's an article of clothing. Infact I do find many women who wear ties quite attractive.
OT: I see why they picked a tie:
1) it looks like an "I" which fits in the word Florida, and I'm pretty sure there was a woman on that committee that was like "This looks good, lets run it." It's just the automatic image we think of with business...besides money, briefcases, and Mad Men (first things that popped into my head.....silly I know but just making a point)
2) When people think of business, it's usually "Let me put on my business suit and tie" I know females at work that say they will go business casual and joke about wearing shirts and ties. Now if we think about it, clothing in general is "separated" by gender, why? for comfort, ergonomics, and pretty much just what appeals to each gender. Nothing is really stopping men or women from shopping in other departments, the only thing really hindering people are the socially acceptable norms. Also there is a double standard when it comes to this. People will give a guy dirty looks for shopping in a women's section in a store, while females won't get a second look if they are perusing through the men's section.
3) They just didn't care, they picked whatever design looked best and got the point across quicker.
anyway that's my take on it, I just kinda rambled so if anything doesn't make sense, I can clarify later