Is anime dying on tv in the us?

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Do you people remember the good old days when adult swim and toonami used to be good?
I remember being able to tune in every Saturday to catch some yu yu, gundam, and inuyasha. As I started looking around I noticed that not only was toonami canceled(It was mainly crap at this point but still) and adult swim dosent have anything but bleach at this point. Granted there are still channels like funimation and such but those arent really mainstream channels. so my question to you is why do you think that anime has seriously started to drop off in the us.
Never watched any of them, even if I did, it was just a mere coincidence..
Reason #1: They are Dubbed..
Reason #2: Watched The Episodes Already.. (They only show the old ones)

So it wouldn't matter much to me if they died on TV in the U.S.
Most users, if not all generally don't like dubs and will say they hate dubs. But I on the other hand share your sentiments. Though I wouldn't say it's dying, have you tried ani-monday on the sci-fi network? Sometimes the IFC plays anime, last time I check it was Hell Girl on the IFC channel.
ch1ppi wrote...
Never watched any of them, even if I did, it was just a mere coincidence..
Reason #1: They are Dubbed..
Reason #2: Watched The Episodes Already.. (They only show the old ones)

So it wouldn't matter much to me if they died on TV in the U.S.

I tend to stay away from dubs too but there are still a few good series out there that do good and it would be a shame to see such a good thing die out because people dont know what the hell theyre doing.
Inuyasha_Guru05 wrote...
ch1ppi wrote...
Never watched any of them, even if I did, it was just a mere coincidence..
Reason #1: They are Dubbed..
Reason #2: Watched The Episodes Already.. (They only show the old ones)

So it wouldn't matter much to me if they died on TV in the U.S.

I tend to stay away from dubs too but there are still a few good series out there that do good and it would be a shame to see such a good thing die out because people dont know what the hell theyre doing.

Like what good series? o_O"
The problem is that boys and girls in america are much more obsessive then japanese boys and girls. So they were so much more likely to go online and watcht the subbed episodes. They stopped watching cause they have already seen the episodes and over all popularity went down. Thats my theory anyway.
church wrote...
The problem is that boys and girls in america are much more obsessive then japanese boys and girls. So they were so much more likely to go online and watcht the subbed episodes. They stopped watching cause they have already seen the episodes and over all popularity went down. Thats my theory anyway.


Also, if they put up a Slapstick Anime and they're dubbed I would Vomit..
Cuz Eng. Dubs and Jap. Comedy don't work well :|

They're Offended???
Forum Image:
This is a very, very, very intelligent post

One word, Two syllables..

My thought about 4Kids:

Forum Image:

I disconnected my Cable because Adult Swim began to ride the fail boat and fucked with the anime timeline. On top of that keeping my Cable on for only Saturday night anime was knida a waste. Television Cable - Anime is Dying or rather it is already dead and 4Kids is making that grave go deeper and deeper. Computer Television - Anime is taking over. Our minds will be melted by it.
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
Inuyasha_Guru05 wrote...
Do you people remember the good old days when adult swim and toonami used to be good?
I remember being able to tune in every Saturday to catch some yu yu, gundam, and inuyasha. As I started looking around I noticed that not only was toonami canceled(It was mainly crap at this point but still) and adult swim dosent have anything but bleach at this point. Granted there are still channels like funimation and such but those arent really mainstream channels. so my question to you is why do you think that anime has seriously started to drop off in the us.

I don't really watch TV so I would have no idea. But it dropping out of the US isn't really a bad thing.

1. It makes the likelihood of things being banned (lolicon, hentai etc) less likely.
2. There's less weeaboos
lol wow alot more hate than I realized. When I say I want anime to stay that dosent mean I want it to remain the same. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place on this issue. On the one hand I want it to come because its great to series expand, especially when they do well. On the other hand its hard to see my favorite series defiled by people like 4kids. The problem is that they see it as something to market to little kids since thats where they can gain the most profit and thats why more mature series like Gurren and yu yu tend to have better dubs. This really sucks though because the best series ten to target all age groups so series like on piece and naruto get dragged through the mud.

I apologize for the rant XD
Afroman wrote...
My thought about 4Kids:
I disconnected my Cable because Adult Swim began to ride the fail boat and fucked with the anime timeline. On top of that keeping my Cable on for only Saturday night anime was knida a waste. Television Cable - Anime is Dying or rather it is already dead and 4Kids is making that grave go deeper and deeper. Computer Television - Anime is taking over. Our minds will be melted by it.

I agree. Everythings moving to the interweb with anime and manga even sometimes. It will eventually die out on tv but thats to be expected at this point. Besides, some of us are adventerous to try new anime and manga and pass it on to their friends. So circulation of anime thankfully still goes around.

All the fuckin evidence you need. Right here.

I mean come on... 7 year old kids are playing Halo... you take away a mans gun or change it to a super soaker... lol.

Edit: No your rant is right (saw post above about apologizing) we are saying 4Kids is ruining anime (because the topic is "Is anime dying"). The good ol days where they showed ppl actually being punched in the face and crap is now gone... seriously wtf? You better give up on watching Cable Anime. It's shit. Start learning to love Japanese Dubs with English Subs or your mind will become corrupt with garbage.

I will admit this too. I for one LOVED Dragon Ball Z dubbed. Subbed version with the kid voices made me laugh too much and the music... well outdated. Me and my dad would watch that every night it was on Toonami. I remember those times they were fun.
Wow 0_o thats evidence all right. unfortunately adult swim isnt that far off either. they do this kind of stuff do.
Dosent look like im gonna get any supporters any time soon so heres my last two cents. I for one much prefer the japanese dubs to the english for obvious reasons but I want anime to become more of a mainstream thing. Im probably over thinking on this but id like to see more people come into the community and the only way theyll get exposed is through tv unless they happen to randomly stumble upon it on the internet. Granted were probably gonna have to kill the entire 4kids staff before we get anything decent lol(please dont sue me).
Afroman wrote...

All the fuckin evidence you need. Right here.

Hey wait, WHAT THE HELL?! Is that real?!? I don't have a way of knowing since I only watch subbed, but is that really what they do?? O.o I can't believe that is real. I had heard that they completely cut all the naruto scenes where blood was shown, and some other stuff. But this.... Is just too bad... Is it for real? Ó.ò
Well, i'm not in the US, but in here anime is on the verge of dying too. first of all, they are dubbed. and second, they cut anything that have even a hint of nudity. once they tried to show love hina, the first episode got so much missing scenes it must be cut in half.

However, they don't give too much attention to blood or violence. Naruto and One Piece got away completely unscathed, albeit the dub still destroy it.
Kuroneko1/2 wrote...
I had heard that they completely cut all the naruto scenes where blood was shown, and some other stuff.

Its true just look at what tehy did to Yu-Gi-Oh. God I hate 4Kids...
I never really watched them much to begin with. I got my roots in anime on the U.S., but quickly discovered there was a vast world of anime I could watch on the net. XD

As for complaining about dubs, I've rarely minded them that much. Oh I'd prefer them in Japanese with English subtitles, but a lot of dubs aren't so bad. Some animes I've watched both I've preferred the English dubs over the original Japanese audio like Azumanga Daioh and Shuffle!
I say yes it is. Just a short while ago it was on the rise it seems to have died somewhere along the way. I usually watch dubs where I can, trying to support the industry bring it more to America. It’s a problem with not a lot of stations have anime on them. This is from a thought that anything animated is for kids. A lot of people see animated things and think of your watching a kids show. So when networks look at anime anything to hardcore for kids is ruled out. So with only about 3 networks airing anime is doesn’t have to much room to grow. Also a lot of the good things like ecchi scenes are taken out because in America anything sexual is “wrong”. So when a fan starts to like anime they turn to subs and don’t go back. So the industry looks like it is failing on Americas part. We still gets some good stuff like Ani-Monday on Sic-fi, I would say it’s the premier anime station now. It has some good dubbing companies and has an overall good choice in animes.
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