Is anime dying on tv in the us?

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Yes, I would. I firmly believe it is up to the parents to know what their children are watching. Cable channels shouldn't have to abide by such ridiculous regulations.
I disagree to an extent.
Yes there should be less regulations but we dont want porn streaming accross almost every channel.
The issue is really that even though Anime on TV is getting less it is getting more viewed overall in the u.s. either by You tube or whatever. I have watched the trend for some time now and been around the states/world from work and seen how it is going. But the internet is definitely killing the TV side of anime for the states.

And the Parent thing.. I am one and i think that TV should show shit and not be so damn prudish about what they show. It will shock the culture for a bit but then go down on alot of it b/c it will become normal and yes I would let my kids watch things Like ninja scroll and Fist of the North Star but i would also be there to explain things.. But i guess what age we consider Kids watching as well
Tsurayu wrote...
Yes, I would. I firmly believe it is up to the parents to know what their children are watching. Cable channels shouldn't have to abide by such ridiculous regulations.

Toonami is a children's television spot.
Ehh Dubs are getting kinda decent nowadays, not saying theyre better than japanese voices, but its getting to the point where its hard to even notice its bad.

But regardless, its hard to imagine that America will ever have another surge of anime viewers due to something like toonami. And with the internet, you could find anything you want as long as you look for the right places, so not only do you have a decline of increase of viewers cause of the internet, there is no one place of anime for many people to relate to. Channels like Funimation will bring in an occasional few but thats about it.
amadorhi wrote...
Ehh Dubs are getting kinda decent nowadays, not saying theyre better than japanese voices, but its getting to the point where its hard to even notice its bad.

The only recent one I saw was Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's while flipping through channels. All I can say is, my ears bled.
Deathykins wrote...
amadorhi wrote...
Ehh Dubs are getting kinda decent nowadays, not saying theyre better than japanese voices, but its getting to the point where its hard to even notice its bad.

The only recent one I saw was Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's while flipping through channels. All I can say is, my ears bled.

I would agree.. I think its as bad or worse then it was.. just like they don't care at all who dose the voice over. No passion in the voice actors/actresses
Actually, English voice acting is getting better when it comes to quality, but really it's a matter of personal preferences.

You be the judge.
Anime is not dying in the US the problem is finding the right show that would appeal to the audience that the network is trying to get. There are a lot of good shows out there but the problem is that some shows are to violent or pushing the FCC's buttons if you have watched Code Geass on adult swim some key sceans and animation were either cut short or censored.

It takes one show to turn things around and hopefully it will be soon. I have been watching Anime since the good ol' days of Toonami, Midnight Run, and Adult Swim. What is happening is that Adult Swim has too much of their own programs to run and not enough time to run Anime programs, and when those series end they go back to the shelves and dust off all the Anime programs that they have and run them from beginning to end when the new session of what ever show comes up first.

Finaly I would like to do some 4Kids bashing. They are destroying Anime as we know it, I'm glad that Funimation got a hold on One Piece before they butcher One Piece to death. As far as Yu-Gi-Oh enough I say!!!!! I can't take these spin-offs off of one show the first series was good and the second was ok but now 5D's is really pushing it. 4Kids needs to lay off of Anime, they are the reason why anime has taken a serious nosedive in the past four years enough is enough I say!
The issue seems to be that a lack of quality control killed it off. No offense to fans of a certain anime franchise reaching its second series with inexplicable popularity, but it seems that once Naruto debuted on TV, everything started to die off. Perhaps they thought enough profit would be made on that so that they could ignore everything else. Granted, Adult Swim still has some, but then they started putting comedy on Saturday and the anime population eventually acted like lemmings on several pills filled with methamphetamines. (I know lemmings don't actually do that, but you catch my drift.)

For Sci-Fi, they have a small bit, and it's decent at worst. IFC? That seems to be the only save haven for otaku. They have Gunslinger Girl. Do I really need to say more?

I was perfectly happy with on demand anime, but Comcast, ADV, and/or Funimation decided to be a bunch of pricks and removed Anime Network and made Funimation On Demand pay-per-view.

That's my view on the situation, and it's rather depressing. However, the good news is that I can somehow focus on this before the sun even rises. I doubt that will last, because I'm getting tirrj,j aio erw s jrthhhhhhhhha;sdf etc.
I wouldn't go as far as to dying but I would agree that anime's popularity over the west is diminishing. The reason maybe the fact that they have their own works comparable if not equal with anime such as DC and Capcom characters already, also let us not forget one of their main attractions "Disney" so to speak. However I do not fully agree that it is indeed "dying" as we see some animes turn into movies (not OVAs, Hollywood Movies) such as transformers, and speed racer. This means that anime is not entirely "dying" in US but rather, being integrated into its culture in a different form. Though this form can no longer be called "anime" the influence is there.
Naoto Shirogane wrote...
I wouldn't go as far as to dying but I would agree that anime's popularity over the west is diminishing. The reason maybe the fact that they have their own works comparable if not equal with anime such as DC and Capcom characters already, also let us not forget one of their main attractions "Disney" so to speak. However I do not fully agree that it is indeed "dying" as we see some animes turn into movies (not OVAs, Hollywood Movies) such as transformers, and speed racer. This means that anime is not entirely "dying" in US but rather, being integrated into its culture in a different form. Though this form can no longer be called "anime" the influence is there.

Thats an intresting thought. Becoming more americanized o.0 yeah yeah i can believe that. Although since half of american tv companies are like "screw it well just make a movie." and the other half are like "well make a series but itll suck ((transformers animated))"

so yeah... they are americanizing some, but their doing kind of a crappy job at it.
Inuyasha_Guru05 wrote...
Do you people remember the good old days when adult swim and toonami used to be good?
I remember being able to tune in every Saturday to catch some yu yu, gundam, and inuyasha. As I started looking around I noticed that not only was toonami canceled(It was mainly crap at this point but still) and adult swim dosent have anything but bleach at this point. Granted there are still channels like funimation and such but those arent really mainstream channels. so my question to you is why do you think that anime has seriously started to drop off in the us.

Because the US is trying to cut off their population from anime. I don't know why. Maybe the US can't pay enough or won't pay much for some good anime like they did in the past; or maybe the US is trying to get the viewers off anime and back into US made shows. We should have seen it all coming. Toonami turn bad then die, adultswim turning bad, and 4kidz; from all these actions, you can't say you didn't fall for their trick. you barely had a chose. By showing anime(done badly), they force you to watch their stuff. I won't be surprise if They're thinking about kill hentai somehow, just to seal the deal.
For those who haven't found the way to truly enjoy anime, and those who are stuck with their anime on tv, tough bricks.
Enjoy their shows like this

Heaven help us all!!!
And this one!
All be it this ones pretty creepy sometimes but hilarious
The only really decent channel I know of where you can find anime is Anime On Demand, but you have to pay extra for that (and I don't even have it... TT_TT) SciFi plays Gurren Lagen and Rave Master (last time I checked) and Adult Swim only shows Bleach and occasionally The Boondocks (which is good, but it only plays reruns)
Yeah, I never depend on the television anymore. I know that makes me one of the ones "responsible for the lack of U.S. anime support" because I pirate all of my anime, but I say screw you to that. I only have basic cable, and the few digital cable anime stations avaiable on my cable provider is crap anyway.
Is anime dying? No but, popularity is dwindling but, not plummeting. Anime was a fad for a while and now it's not. The true fans remain just like they always did. Once the true fans start to walk away then anime will be dying. Some of the factors that is leading to the decrease in popularity are:

English Dubs: They are hit or miss, sometimes you get wonderful stuff like Ghost in the Shell or horrid abominations like Sorcerer Hunters.

Subs- Quality varies greatly from one group to another. Some people are excellent at their jobs like Dattebayo while others are horrible translations or even completely wrong. Each group should be allowed to do it their way but, I suggest leaning towards groups that do a professional job and don't leave in "sacred" Japanese words. Unless you enjoy having Japanese words in your English subtitles.

Verdict: Do your homework. Buy products from companies that do good work and screw the rest. Just like any other market in the economy if a company does better work than its competition it'll get an edge in the market and other companies will follow in order to stay open.

As for stations not playing the stuff. Call your companies, don't whine or bitch just tell them "Hey, I want an anime station". If enough people push the idea then you could get a SHOWTIME/HBO type channel for anime. Uncensored but, not a typical station so it would be in the package stuff like SHOWTIME and HBO. This keeps it away from the kids and gives adults an opportunity to watch what they want without censorship.

As long as anime remains on channels that anybody can access then it will be subject to FCC standards and censorship.
geassmon wrote...
Because the US is trying to cut off their population from anime. I don't know why. Maybe the US can't pay enough or won't pay much for some good anime like they did in the past; or maybe the US is trying to get the viewers off anime and back into US made shows. We should have seen it all coming. Toonami turn bad then die, adultswim turning bad, and 4kidz; from all these actions, you can't say you didn't fall for their trick. you barely had a chose. By showing anime(done badly), they force you to watch their stuff. I won't be surprise if They're thinking about kill hentai somehow, just to seal the deal.

I don't think American companies are trying to wean American viewers off of anime; I think American viewers said "Fuck you" to the companies releasing anime, and the channels showing it, and thus, the companies and channels have turned their backs on the viewers.

Case in point - dwindling DVD sales. When a company goes under because people aren't buying enough of their DVDs, that's not the company ignoring its customers. It's the opposite. A lot of fans don't bother buying DVDs because they have the internet. I'm not saying this as an elitist, because I don't buy DVDs either (though that's because I have no money to spend on them), but as a person stating the facts - Anime does not sell as well in the US as it used to. As Fpod said, anime was sort of a fad for a while, and it's not anymore. The bubble has burst, so to speak. That simply means that rabid fans will have to work harder to get what they want. You want anime on your TV? Then either buy DVDs, burn illegal DVDs, or figure out a way to get what's on your computer to show up on your TV. You want anime to be ultra-popular again? Well, the disco nuts wanted disco to be popular again after the 70s; want in one hand and shit in the other and see which fills faster.
50m3d00d wrote...
The issue seems to be that a lack of quality control killed it off. No offense to fans of a certain anime franchise reaching its second series with inexplicable popularity, but it seems that once Naruto debuted on TV, everything started to die off.

I find it strange Naruto was canceled. I expected it to enjoy quite a bit of success in the same vein as DBZ while Bleach is shown too late to reach a broad audience.
rather than anime dying on tv
I would say that the Television as a whole is dying slowly thanks to the wave of the
"INTERNET" (dum-DUM-DumMmmmm~~)

If you think about it, How much effort would it be to braodcast a series over televison compared to the internet. This can possibly be changed if people truly protected their copyrights but this would cost money and i dont know how copyrights work internationally.
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