cruz737 wrote...
To add to that point, men are seen to be more willing to express these preferences despite the stigmas and are also less likely to be offended or care about offending others. So maybe that's why people think it's more normal for men to be more open about sexual things.
If there is shaming of females, it'd say a lot of it comes from females themselves. Showing interest of sexual relative subjects does get the attention of males, whether intentionally or not. It's not always jealousy or competition that sparks the judgmental parts of humans...but if I went into that I'd have to talk about sex-negative feminism...And I don't feel like delving into that.
For a male, they will rarely get criticized for crossing the pervert line (and the line is quite insensible, too). YET, if they cross the creepy line they will get strongly criticized, a thing that wouldn't be bad if weren't that such line is hypersensitive indeed.
For a female, they will get criticized for only crossing the pervert line, specially by others females, that also consider such line in a hypersensitive way. YET, once crossed the pervert line, a female will rarely get more criticized for crossing the creepy line, that is also quite insensitive. For males, the female pervert line is sightly insensible, so females are more careful about it because other females rather the males themselves, though some will play their cards in the gray zone gap between the female rejection and male acceptance (or both, acting different with each gender).
So, the male problem is more serious for affecting in a severe degree, but it is also suffered by a minority. The female problem is just a moderate problem, but it is affecting most females. Oh, yeah, I also find a pity that creepy gals aren't often fight back enough.
Why the reactions are different in the first place?
Creepy Line:
- Creepy side is characterized by producing fear. A creepy weaponless female isn't that dangerous for a male, so they don't care that much, making the line more insensitive. Vice-versa, a weaponless male is still a great danger for a female, making the line more sensitive because survival instinct. What people does not get is that the weaponless to weapon-equipped is a piece of cake line to cross, as even a knife will do the job. A rational conclusion based on natural difference that is pointless once you see the details, but people isn't that introspective. Rumor mayhem. Society. End.
- This natural (and non-introspective) bias is (wrongly) boosted by sex-negative feminism, agreed.
Pervert Line:
- Sexism, specially from religious fundamentalism and outdated policies still influencing for traditionalism's fault (natural lag).
- Sexual differences influence at some degree. Males lives 5-7 years less today and in the past. Males also preserves their hormonal libido for at least a decade (often two) more than females. Basically sexism uses this to fuel the extreme negative bias from most older females toward female pervertism while also minding some male one. This makes a domino effect in that females tries to avoid in getting the negative feedback from older females, making the whole group taking this sexual difference and sexism into them indirectly and applying it again in a cascade effect toward other females.
- Males are sightly insensitive because their hormonal libido begins at least a year before and is often sightly higher. Most of them want from an early age a reciprocate sexual enjoyment, so they are actually looking for some more degree of pervertism in later stages. There are also males who follow the female path of seeing it as wrong and disgusting, avoiding porn and stuff until the grown up, but they aren't pressed or forced to follow that path (in fact, they are often the laugh, or at the very at least a surprise).