Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
So Whitelion you are saying to remove the reasons for people to support Hamas? How would you suggest they go about that? Open up the boarders to allow Palestinians to freely move about? Give them money, food and other aid so their country isn't as much of a shit hole? try to counter their indoctrination of their children to kill Israelis? OR how about we just evict the Israeli people since the Palestinians "want their land back"
Sorry, I don't see that working.
1). Allowing the Palestinians to move freely means allowing their terrorist to walk freely in Israel which means the bus and market bombings will just start up again instead of the random rock and mortar fire.
2). Giving the Palestinians money, food and aid will just end up in the hand of their Government (A.k.a. Hamas). I can see all sorts of problem even with U.N. peacekeeping forces delivering the aid.
3). We are talking about children who are indoctrinated worse than the Hitler youth. Children growing up thinking GOD tells them that the Israeli people are murderous dogs. We all know how bad Evangelical Christians are and these fanatical Muslims are out of their league. Like comparing little league to the New York Yankees. At least the Hitler youth didn't fight beyond a "hopeless" situation. We are talking about people who are so fanatical they will into a hail of .50 bullets to blow themselves up.
Not to mention the fact that they celebrate people who martyr themselves practically as national hero's.
If you do more research on the practices of HAMAS, you will find that indoctrination may not play as big a role as you claim. Sure, they try, but they also offer payment to their soldiers, especially suicide bombers, whose families receive pretty significant chunks of money and support. If you are starving and living in a hellish warzone, you might decide that it is worth it to become a terrorist for the money, even if you are apathetic to the cause. Maybe you die, but then your family might be able to survive and get a better life.
If HAMAS's indoctrination program is as powerful as you say, then they shouldn't need to spend money recruiting and paying their terrorists. Every child should be jumping for joy at the thought of blowing up infidels, and HAMAS should be spending the money on more weapons or something. Clearly, HAMAS realizes that these economic incentives are necessary to get the number of pawns and foot soldiers they need. This is an area where HAMAS is vulnerable, and successfully attacking this weakness would be more effective than years of Israeli offensives.
You are absolutely right that simply throwing large amounts of money or consumable supplies directly at local or national governments is a waste, because of corruption and the government being run by either terrorists or groups that find it in their interest for terrorist activity to continue. How then does one attack this vulnerability successfully? Invest in infrastructure, schools, hospitals, affordable housing, and so forth in Palestine. This both creates benefits useful to the populace that HAMAS cannot easily or usefully commandeer, and has the potential to create employment for the population. What can HAMAS do? Blow up the roads, hospitals, and houses built for their own populace? It puts them in a difficult spot. If they do nothing, then the peoples' lives are bettered and the economic incentives to become terrorists are less appealing. If they destroy the improvements, then they will hurt their local support. I know I wouldn't support a group of self proclaimed "freedom fighters" if they had blown up my local hospital. The best they can do is try to kill the aid workers to intimidate the countries supplying aid to pull out, which is what Al-Qaeda has been doing in Iraq.
So, my strategy for Israel would be to use its military forces sparingly, with precision, defensively, and more patiently while working with the UN to improve infrastructure and services as explained above. It's a long term strategy that requires patience, and doesn't satiate the immediate thirst by some for retributive justice. But unlike years of terrorism and counter-terrorism, I think it could actually yield results.
Fiery, I explained by proposal to you, so I am interested to hear how you think Israel and the UN/NATO/the West should proceed. I stated in my previous post the reasons which make me think that simply crushing Palestine militarily would not be effective(short of a theocide/genocide scenario involving killing basically everyone outside Israel in the middle east that will never happen). Do you think otherwise? If not, what should be done?