Well, after a long night of looking stuff up about the rape fantasy and how it applies to perhaps, real life rape. To be honest, nearly everything I found wasn't agreeing with me. However, those articles pertained more towards how the fantasy of rape relates to women.
From what I've looked up, the rape fantasy is actually surprisingly common amongst women. The reasons for this vary somewhat, but a common theme behind them are 1. The idea of a man-in some cases a man the woman likes-finds them so attractive that they lose all control of themselves and
take them at any cost. 2. The ability to achieve sexual gratification by having a man or men simply it upon them, therefore taking anyway any control and therefore responsibility for the sex act in the first place.
While I understand this, I still have problems with it and this time not so much with the women who entertain these fantasies, but the reasons they might exist. They are as follows:
-Despite the progress feminists have made for women's rights, our society still labels any woman who expresses any sexuality as a slut or a whore and think less of them, while men freely do the same shit. Especially in some religions, women are taught to believe sex to be something that simply happens to them rather than something they can actively participate in or enjoy. The rape fantasy therefore absolves them of any guilt for having sexual desire by having someone simply force them into a sex act.
-My problems with this are that; It's not really a rape fantasy since this is something the woman in question wants, but rather just a round of really rough sex. It also still encourages the woman to take a passive, even complacent attitude towards sex, that rather than trying to break free of their guilt and express themselves and their desires, that they have to wait for someone else to do it for them.
-In some cases, the rape fantasy appears in response to some emotional trauma. How and why tends to vary between the woman. I've even heard instances of rape victims having rape fantasies.
-This is really a coping mechanism for some and a sort of reversion to prior experiences for others. In the case of the rape victim, because their-for most of them anyway-only experiences with sex are rape cases, this is how sex occurs even in their fantasies.
My point is that, rape is not something that should even occur in a fantasy and the fact that it does is really out of avoidance of a bigger issue or-from what I consider-an improper means of coping with some emotional trauma.
Now, I have to go and take a look at the rape fantasy and how it relates to males, but I have managed to find an argument to help back up why the rape fantasy can be considered dangerous,
found here.
To put it shortly; rape fantasies tend to include a lot of emotional baggage and when we began to play out these fantasies, that same baggage comes out and thinks tend to escalate. This is due more from a lack of communication or understanding than any actual desire to rape someone, but it can still lead to some violent and destructive impulses because we grow to rely on the emotional high we achieve from channeling the negative feelings associated with the fantasy.
This can get worse when we try to progress that fantasy, such as including actual weapons and such.
Hopefully now, I'll have gotten something across, but I get the feeling this will also be shrugged off.