theotherjacob wrote...
The other parts of the world have this beautiful thing called free health care, and because we have this in a place like Canada where I live, we are legally bound by our constitution to the preservation of life.
>Implying Canada actually has "free" healthcare rather than overpriced waiting rooms.
>Implying that Canadians and permanent residents don't have easy access abortions.
I already listed several options to prevent a compromised child from being born. That alone should alleviate your fears on that issue.
That means that if something happens to you, my money that the government takes is used to make you better. So if you willingly make a child, I don't get an option. My money is forced to help that child. So if an incest couple chooses to have a child, and they know this will create a disabled child or has a high chance of, my tax money by law must be given to those parents to spend "in the best interest of the child".
Using the same logic, Canada must ban soda, candy or other sugary confections because excessive consumption can lead to weight gain and the associated illnesses such as Diabetes and high blood pressure. It must ban the consumption of alcohol because it can lead to cirrhosis of the liver, gastritis and Ulcers. Canada must also prevent anyone infected with an STD from having sex, especially if they have something contagious such as Herpes, Gonorrhea or HIV/AIDS. The effects of all these seemingly benign activities is that the Canadian healthcare system will have to pay for it which means you'll have to pay for someone who couldn't control themselves.
See where I'm going with this? With logic like that, you have to ban anything that can have a negative externality because others will have to pay for your poor choices. In other words, Canada punishes the intelligent people for the choices of the idiots. How is that even remotely fair that people in Ontario be required to pay for the idiocy of some bumpkin in Newfoundland that can't keep his dick out of newfie whores?
Because to deny that right of government support to this and not to normal couples, is the exact same as denying the right of gay marriage.
The school of thought on this is that government shouldn't bother aiding people to begin with. This "aid" gives a monetary incentive for people to commit the encouraged behavior. The second part is governments dole out this "charity" after collecting it (read stealing) at gunpoint. It doesn't matter if my motivations were selfless and altruistic when I rob you because I still robbed you.
You can not pick and choose who you support once you give people a right. If society allows it, than society must accept the consequences of any action, good or bad. All countries with free healthcare operate like this. All countries with legal gay marriage follow this. It's called equality.
It's a twisted concept of equality. Perhaps it's "equality" in an egalitarian sense where everyone has the potential access to the service but, when it comes to the reality of how things play out then it's not equal at all. One segment of society is treated as lesser than another as one segment will benefit from it's use and the other will rarely ever use the service.