Jacob wrote...
When it comes to forums the more people you get posting the more intelligent, and not so intelligent, posts are you going to get. I have been trying very hard to read every post the past few weeks and I feel that most of the pointless and off topic topics stay in Random / Incoherent, which is where they belong. I'll admit it is confusing having two random categories.. but I like them both.
I want new users to feel that they can join the community right away without any barriers. I admit most new users don't take the time to make well thought out posts, but it's definitely getting better.
I imagine a lot of the problems stemmed from myself and Raze (being the only moderators) having very little time to moderate. But we have some moderators now so things will definitely get better.
Honestly the best way to combat bad posts is to make good ones. That goes to everyone reading this thread, just make really really good posts. People will see them and respond with good posts, that's how easy it is.
You have gotten a lot better since you first started posting. I feel that a lot of what you say is just misunderstood due to the language barrier. But you have definitely made some really really bad posts since you first joined. But please continue to make more mature posts and follow the rules.
And a lot of your suggestions are good and I just wish I had more time / motivation to get them all done. I appreciate your input.
You're right. The best way to combat people obtaining the user ranks quickly would be to add other factors to it like you said. Most of the ranks were created back when the forums only had 5 - 10 active users, we have since grown substantially.
I can't remember what led to you getting -31 rep, but I have seen that the posts you have been making the past couple of weeks have been good, so thanks for sticking around and making them.
Long story short, for those of you who think the forums are heading downhill it is up to you to pull them back up. If I could somehow enforce that every post is well thought out, coherent, and follows the rules I would. But a lot of it is up to the users to make good posts :D
Awesome! The admins lovers me! ;)
You should try and make all those requirnments for the ranks. It makes posting more fun. And maybe each rank can have it's own unique color?