JuiceBox47 wrote...
Why do atheists feel the need to scrutinize religion? It's fine if atheists don't want to believe in God, but why do they have to try to tear other people away from him?
1st part of the question, it's in their nature as those who try to use logic on everything.
on the second part of the question, it's kinda the same as when those who believe in God try to convert others. I guess general insecurity about ones own beliefs, thus the need to use others to verify their position on religion. The more theists an atheist "converts", the more he feels right in his belief that logic trumps belief, or whatever justification s/he is using. The more atheists a theist "converts", not only is it encouraged in some holy texts, but they also have the feeling that whatever justification they use in believing whatever they believe is correct. (ie have the satisfaction of having "saved" someone, etc.)
(going slightly off topic)
however this really isn't at the base of the real question in all this... Is there a higher power? whether it's the christian God, pagan spirits, etcetc. It comes down to this, atheists will argue that because there is a lack of credible evidence, that there can be no higher powers. However, we are humans living on earth. we have 5 senses, and as amazing our brains are, they still don't answer all the questions that we have about this universe we live in. As time passes, old "scientific theories" are disprooven and new ones are brought up. So yes, there may be a higher power/God that doesn't affect the universe in a way we can sense it. Just because we have gotten a few tools of logic and science doesn't mean we can be completely convinced on the conclusions these lead us to. I believe we all should take a step back and try to question our beliefs more and more before we tackle such a giant philosophical question. Then perhaps we may take a step towards truth.