Flaser wrote...
brok3n butterfly wrote...
And theres already two work-arounds for SOPA. Part of it anyways, they let you go around the blacklist proposed.
...and that's news?
Security and network experts have been saying that from the get go. Messing with the DNS service will only help to further undermine net security it won't stop people from accessing "bannned" sites. It will also criminalize a whole range of people for stuff that shouldn't be regulated in the first place.
Will this stop piracy? Of course not. Even the bill's creators and backers knew that.
What's this about then?
Censorship. Corporate censorship. It'll make it easy to literally wipe people's opinion off the net and prevent net based business models from taking off... which is just what the doctor ordered, if you're a gigantic business who feels threatened by the net.
This guy knows what's up.
It not only applies to net based business. This is the job killer, which is sad seeing that the jobs aren't really making much of a comeback. The market is coming back but oh so slowly. People will no longer be able to create a startup business which would help out the unemployed. Multicorps however, have free reign over making new services.
It's like the timeless, "You have to have 'X' experience to get 'X' job, in order to get 'X' experience you have to get 'X' job" comedy bit.
Sure, we have ways around it (MAFIAAAFire and NoSOPA) and ideas that combat this (foremost, DNSSEC), but we have to examine the position of the government that is run by a bunch of 60 year olds that are easily bribed by corporate money and other shiny things.
OR, (suggested from reddit) we can use a loophole that is present in the bill to post links to copyrighted material on the whitehouse website. Yes, this way their site would be blacklisted solely because their site links to copyrighted content (as implied by the bill itself). Personally I doubt that would work. Does anyone still think the government would even follow their own rules? I don't