Devils hand wrote...
Misaki_Chi wrote...
Oldfags are people who have both had an account on Fakku and have contributed to the site (aka posted a shit ton), so with your account only being a year old as well as only posting once, you wouldn't be considered an old fag.
That's the most elitist shit i ever have the disgust to read.
"An Oldfag (also known as Elitist Asshole) is a user of an online community who has been with the community a considerable amount of time and won't shut up about it. Much like the old men that hang out in front of the liquor store, Oldfags harp on and on about the good old days and how things used to be. Oldfags generally consider themselves better than everyone one else, sometimes even people outside the community, because we all know being a member of Newgrounds or Deviantart for six years makes you a winner in the real world. Some Oldfags become even more Oldfaggy by harassing noobs if they dare to speak. It is possible to be a helpful senior member without being an Oldfag. "
Here this is my stupid source:
But i clearly see that over here the so called "oldfags" are even more elitist than in other places, and even more fags i dare say. but you know you can pay everything you want, i don't give a bullcrap i am just an unfriendly neighbor giving his shitty opinion but whatever i just fap in another place. Yeah ain't that good? Jerking off and not paying shit for putting my hands over my smegma covered dick.
Is not like your jacob's shitty books are gonna get pirated someday sucka.
Wow dude chill, you called yourself an old fag and I was just saying what usually constitutes an old fag on Fakku. If you want to be called that or disagree that's fine.
Also it's fine you're upset, but that's no excuse to be nasty and rude, I was just talking and non of what I said was to be taken as rude not insulting.. Believe me Jake and all of us know this content can easily be pirated and no one is saying to stop you from doing so. You asked why things have become the way they have on Fakku and I gave you an answer. If you wish to still pirate that is no skin off my back and you're more then free to do so, but being a dick just to be a dick makes no sense.
And honestly I don't get what the heck this "elite" crap is all about. So what if people want to pay for porn. That makes myself and others no different from the rest of the users. Yes we do get some perks for buying something, but that doesn't make us anymore special or any better then someone else. Hell I'm just a girl working my ass off in a shit hospital while dealing with life and family shit, believe me buster if I am some sort of elite person I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing (love my job honestly just a horrible place to work). I am a collector at heart and the extra I have on the side I like to use to buy interesting things, so I didn't do this to end piracy, I'm just a perv who likes collecting pervy things. I still get shit for free the same way you do, so it'd be ridiculous of me to talk about ending piracy when everyone does it.
Anyways again do what you want to and be happy with your choice, I'm sorry you don't like how Fakku has decided to go about running thing, but since I have gotten to buy some of their material I can honestly say it's really nice. I'm not encouraging you to feel the same this is just an opinion so you can say fuck off all you want, I don't care.