Mr.Shaggnificent wrote...
Around the mid to late 80's i seem to recall there was a rash of kids calling child services(or whatever it's called in your area) on their parents for normal dicipline*. also strangers butting in and saying any physical disciplie was abuse. i think alot of parents were afraid of getting put in jail or having their kids taken away. the 'authorities' tend to be well meaning hippies who often over react. i've seen second hand how fucked up the system can be. as a kid i saw friends get caught up in the system, and then later friends whose kids were in it**. no molesting, beatings or neglect, just that someone suspected as much, or just decided they didn't like how the kids were being raised.
it's a messed up system for sure. if you suspect abuse you should report it, but if you are wrong, you just screwed that kids life up. once a kid is in the system, they're in it until they turn 18.
*[size=10]you may have seen parodies of this subject on southpark and/or the simpsons. art imitates life.[/h]
**[size=10]as a kid; messy divorce where one parent tries to abuse the system to screw the other parent.
as an adult; one parent who was a waste of space.[/h]
I think that the odd spanking is not a bad way to raise your kid. I know that I was given the belt when I did bad things and I turned out alright. However, things are different now adays. We all live in fear. Back in the day if you brought your rifle to school and told your teacher about it the teacher would show you his or chat about hunting, but if you did that now adays the cops would be called and the shit will hit the fan and the kid will be lucky not to be hit with a tazer. I think the thing that makes the kids of today seem more violent and such is their upbringing. There was a time when you could have a scrap with someone you didn't like without fearing the police as much as you do now.
I guess the fact that the media reports this kinda stuff is another factor in how we view these issues.