Society is wrong. Kids get bored right now. They cannot get a job because of the way things are right now and all of the old ass adults taking the jobs kids usually get. Thus, they find someway to release boredom or pent up stress. How better than to do drugs,beat people up, or other such things. It's not kids who are in the wrong it is the society we have right now.
They cannot get a job because of the way things are right now and all of the old ass adults taking the jobs kids usually get.
Also the companies always ask for people with experience. But being a fresh of the school graduate that kind of sucks. Took me 2 years to get a contract in my hand
We humans have been trying to make this society thing work out for thousands of years, and we keep coming back for more because it works to some degree. If you're measuring our present problems and situations from the problems 500 years in the past, you won't find anything better. It's better to get away from things personally, than try to change society as a whole. The problems the OP mentioned are just the tip of the ice burg really. There are so many things that go wrong with solutions made for these types of problems, like the NAACP, which was originally meant to help 'colored' people get out of poverty is now just defending them from criticism (e.g. the Neo-Black Panther group who has been accused of being racists (which they are, in pure form) against whites is being defended by the NAACP). They don't do anything to help them, that's why the problem has persisted for so long.