lets see..
oh yeah
I manipulated my two best friends (at the time) Into dating,
I knew they were dating but they decided to lie to me,
I got angry at this and lashed out at them (especially when I found out they told others they didn't even deem good friends)
so I cut him and her out of my love for a month
(I was her only friend, He claimed I was the only friend he can open up to)
On top of that, I was a complete ass to her, even though I extremely liked her,
I lied to everyone stating I didn't like her, and Wanted to give her away so I didn't have to deal with her issues
become friends again and I find out hes obsessed with her, and she hates him.
I than find out, shes dumping him before her birthday,
So she breaks up with him I tell him he failed and is pathetic and ignore him,
on her birthday she decides not to hang out with me and go drink with her friends, so I drink with mine (her ex shows up so he drinks with us)
I find out that morning she had a 3 way, I break down crying and punching 3 holes in my wall and breaking a piece of my bed, I tell her to fuck off and I hate her, (later make up)
we go to her ex's house, and decide to drink their,
he ignores her (I later find out through a video I recorded while they are drunk hes taking photos of her without her knowing)
I deal with her drunk ass puking for 2 hours, she crys I deal with that, And take her to bed,
at 5 in the morning she kicks m eout of the room, and 10 minutes later he goes into the room shes laying in, and says "I love her, she texted me I'm getting back together with her"
In anger I drink all the alcohol left (4 shots worth of scotch, half a 40oz of whiskey, some vodka and rum) and swear as I get my stuff ready, about to leave, in -40 weather wearing nothing but pjs, a tshirt, and a crap jacket, and I see my friend puking in the toilet, no one else cares so I have to deal with it and bitch about the other two,
I ignore them for 2 weeks which causes her to cry daily,
I make her tell him about her three way the night they got back together,
she crys harder thinking I'm wanting to ruin her life,
he however doesnt seem to care.
I ignore them for another 2 weeks,
I than tell her if she wants to be friends,
she has to grow the fuck up (the irony)
she says no i cut her off,
later I'm dragged to a party at his house,
and I end up bring my girl their, and get drunk ignoring her and everyone else thinking of killing myself infront of everyone and implant my self into their memories(Best friend notices my angry demeaner and gets me high and lets me bitch to him about how I hate all this and how i blame everyone else)
she and I become friends again,
we get uber close,
on new years he gets drunk I get angry,
he dumps her
neither of us care,
and now I find myself manipulating our friends to hate him
kinda working kinda not. ....i am scum oh btw I deemed him best friend for 6 years...so..yeah