Life is an anomaly that the universe rectifies with means nothing *depressing music plays*
Fuck, you just opened my eyes.
@Why we are here?
We could ask our parents who in turn hopefully asked their parents and on and on until the very first human ancestor who used a means of communication gave his answer, but I doubt this happened.
As an individual, my bet is on that we're here because our parents at some point in time got the feeling of wanting someone else to pour their love into, because that's how they were made to perceive from looking around. But of course that doesn't bash the idea of them not wanting to die alone, not having anyone to take care after them when they get old and yotta yotta.
As a whole, "we" being everyone, everything it's all thanks to a mistake. That or some unexplained being that once, when there was only nothing, managed to create self, got bored of being lonely, and made shit from then onwards.