Meaning? There is no meaning. Likes words they have no value, no meaning, and no purpose until we give it such. Life is a period of time we spend on Earth. Some people will tell you that you were put here by an almighty all knowing god, some people will tell you were reincarnated into this crappy life because you fucked up in the past, and others will tell you were evolved from millions if not billions of years of evolution to reach this point to think that thought. Life is valueless, meaningless, and purposeless until you decide to value it, give it its own meaning your eyes, and its purpose known to you. Like a stone, it is not valued until someone treasures it. You are a human being and that means nothing until you give your humanity a meaning.
Purpose in life? What men before you have done, and what after you will do, and what you're doing whether you're conscious of it or not, giving meaning to those without meaning.