ImperialX wrote...
Nekohime wrote...
I think most atheists would disagree with you about them having a religion. It's just that by most definitions, religion is the belief in and/or worship of god/s.
Atheist = A religion that rejects the existence of deities.
Nihilist = Not religious.
A religion, in no way, mean that you must believe in a divine existence.
Holy fucking dick weasels; seems to be infested with shit like this. I wish I could leave it at that, but this is SD, so I'm obligated to elaborate and tell you why. Firstly, calling an atheisT a religion is like saying that Kalistean, being a roman catholic (I believe), is a religion. Secondly, a religion is a system of beliefs. Atheism can't be a god damn religion because there's no belief involved! There's only lack of belief, and that's pretty much all there is to it. I'd also recommend abstaining from ever visiting that site ever again.
The only other people I know of who are atheists and have a religion are buddhists (not all of them, relax). That's because, again, they adhere to a system of beliefs. There may be other religions which don't require the belief in a deity(ies), but in general, atheists are not in any way religious. Being spiritual, on the other hand, is a whole different story.
inb4 science is my religion
An Atheist is someone who does not believe in higher powers, and has a religion.