Outlawx44 wrote...
So I'm in a heated discussion with a very feminist woman on Tumblr. The kind that hates men, not the equality kind whom I normally agree and support.
She thinks men are hypocryitical and assholes because most wouldnt actually DATE a stripper or a pornstar, saying that since we are the demand for those jobs we shouldnt care that they work in them and should date them anyway.
I said that women have refused to date and sleep with men for a very long time because of an extensive sexual history, why should men be cosidered pigs because they are basically doing the same thing but to women who are paid for it and normally don't say no, to any man with a huge wad of cash.
My question is does it make men Pigs if they choose not to date a porn star/stripper? Answer that in the
comments below the pole is to see if you would date one.
I wouldn't think so, I guess I'm in the minority seeing the results of the poll. The question was Porn Star or Stripper. There is a difference between that and what I feel you describe as a woman who doesn't say no to men who pay for sex. That isn't exactly the right definition since for strippers isn't there a no touch policy in most clubs?(not my buisness what they do after). And a Porn star doesn't say yes because the man has a wad of cash, she does it because it is her job. I can't comment on their reasons for doing that job/not choosing a different career but that is a thing.
As for the question and my reasoning.
1) They are people like anybody else, as long as they are clean(no STDs) and we do happen to connect and like each other I don't see why not. And in the case of pornstar I guess I would have to say them being OK with the guy since most guys generally don't have the stuff pornstars have in a certain regard.
2) It might be awkward with dating a pornstar if they keep working in that field and I'm not exactly sure how I'm supposed to feel about that so I can't answer that problem. I'd like to say I'd be supportive but her having sex with another guy or guys while in a relationship would definitely be a big hurdle to jump, it depends on the situation and what happens. Maybe she'll make videos that don't involve other guys in regular sex, but I don't really know how the filming of porn and stuff works so can't comment there either.
3)But for stripper you can just not care about their job because it isn't running in parallel to something that is one of the definitions of cheating. (Having sex with other guys vs. just being naked in front of guys are two different things and problems in relationships).
P.S. Apparently there is some confusion about the question, I do have my answer in the original unedited post though. No they aren't pigs. Because in some cases it simply is too much to handle the situation of dating a pornstar or stripper.
Me personally? Yes as long as what I said above holds true.