Oh boy, what a difficult question. And no, I'm not being sarcastic.
Let me be honest though, because that's one of my faults: wether this woman is a stripper or a nude model, if we like each other and our relationship works, I would date her - heck, even marry her if I'm lucky enough.
However, if she was involved in the sex industry, I would just stay on good terms with her - as friends, but not as lovers. Then again, if by some stroke of luck she decided to leave her job and pursue a full relationship - especially if we already like each other - I would be overjoyed.
I hope I haven't offended anyone with what I said, and if I did, it wasn't intentional and I apologize. Maybe for someone this is trivial, but I think it's a fairly serious topic, not just to learn of one's standards, but also to see how we look at these people.
And to finish
Date whoever the fuck you want, honestly.
as laconic (is it the correct term?) as it may be, this sentence sums up my thoughts pretty well.