Armored Core V

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EmiyaKiritsugu wrote...
Abunai Gigolo wrote...
AC5? isnt the AC got smaller here? *wonders why*

Forum Image:\

in-city/urban combat

this is gonna be great.. XD
Ramsus wrote...
I've always been a fan of this series....which reminds me I still need to go beat AC4 sometime....

[color=blue]That reminds me, I need to go beat AC4A. God Damn.

Energy swords fucking own. Get someone in a blade locks and you win.[/color]
TheDarkStarAlchemist wrote...
Ramsus wrote...
I've always been a fan of this series....which reminds me I still need to go beat AC4 sometime....

[color=blue]That reminds me, I need to go beat AC4A. God Damn.

Energy swords fucking own. Get someone in a blade locks and you win.[/color]

If you get hit by swords... You gotta be terrible... Dodging swords is pretty easy... Unless it's in Factory or something. Then it's a lot harder...
Shia wrote...
TheDarkStarAlchemist wrote...
Ramsus wrote...
I've always been a fan of this series....which reminds me I still need to go beat AC4 sometime....

[color=blue]That reminds me, I need to go beat AC4A. God Damn.

Energy swords fucking own. Get someone in a blade locks and you win.[/color]

If you get hit by swords... You gotta be terrible... Dodging swords is pretty easy... Unless it's in Factory or something. Then it's a lot harder...

you better be talking bout AC4 not FA.

ACFA has blade snipers.

yes. they snipe with their blades.
Kuri Lover of Dark and Tan
[color=green]Can't wait for this game.[/color]
this is gonna be down and dirty-wetworks I tell you....
Kuri Lover of Dark and Tan
[color=green]A little bump, but here's some updates. For those who haven't kept up with this series here's something to look forward to.

A notable difference will be smaller mechs (5 meter tall, as opposed to the 10 meter mech from the previous releases), which will allow more varied, "three dimensional" stages. This will have a greater emphasis on stealth, allowing covers between alleyways and buildings. Online is a 5v5 with 1 member being an "Operator" as seen here:[/color]


[color=green]Another changed is how the AC viewer is. Instead of a still mech you can actually see it's movement, weapon switching, etc. Here's a vid:(If you don't like waiting through the commentary skip to 2:47, 2:55, 4:00 & 7:23 for the boosting visual.[/color]


[color=green]That's all I got to say, and with that I end this with a gameplay vid.[/color]
I missed this.

How the fuck could I have MISSED THIS?!


It seems they weren't joking about returning to their roots.

The game mechanics and hit box are reminiscent of earlier AC titles,
particularly in my mind that of the AC3 series.

It looks like quick boosting is present, and OB has more use now.

The new HUD switch and scan mode is something nice, considering
your always locking on to something behind walls.


I ALWAYS look forward to AC's intro movies.
it seems like acV will be doing the oldskool gameplay.
will this be available in the ps3 or xbox?
bobing wrote...
it seems like acV will be doing the oldskool gameplay.
will this be available in the ps3 or xbox?

Kuri Lover of Dark and Tan
[color=green]Sorry for the bump, but I just happen to see a summary video on this game's single player mode. Here they show this new function,the wall jump. Apparently this new function can also be used as a way to attack. We also see the old functions, like boasting and the quick-boast, along with the over-boast. The only new thing I see with this is how it lands. As seen in the vid, instead of just planting your feet on the ground after taking flight you actually hover your way down. On other notes this also talks about the factions involved. Other than that that's all I see in this video,[/color]


Updated front page.

Reserved my gawddamed copy for the NA release from Game Stop.



I'm confused uk retailers aren't advertising that they are getting it and it doesn't show it coming out on their sites.
Gahhhh! I wanna pre-order this so bad but I still have so many games to finish and so many orders on Amiami....
Forum Image:

BTW, do you guys know if we get some bonus or something if we have an AC4/FA savefile or something? Its cause I wanna use white glint if I do get this....
Room101 Waifu Collector
So, will single player have some pretense of story, or is it all just multiplayer training fodder?

I hated how they treated story in 4 series. True, AC is less about story, more about mecha, but 3 and 2 had some world you could connect to, and all the fanboys and haters mailing you, the most badass Raven of all (before Nexus came in, anyway). 4 had you fight random people for no apparent reason, narrative didn't really explain shit why Rayleonard went bonkers and tried to kill everything with Kojima Particles etc. etc.

And then sequel comes along and I have no idea whatsoever why is ORCA et al doing all that. 3 at least build up the image of world where corporations were being too greedy/incompetent and Controller/Dove went progressively insane and you (plus other Ravens) were pretty much the only one who could open Layered again and sweep this mess out.

Same in two with Leos Klein having happy fun time trolling you and all the corps.
Room101 wrote...
So, will single player have some pretense of story, or is it all just multiplayer training fodder?

It should. It's a new story outline so there should be changes that would probably pull in.

Room101 wrote...

I hated how they treated story in 4 series. True, AC is less about story, more about mecha, but 3 and 2 had some world you could connect to, and all the fanboys and haters mailing you, the most badass Raven of all (before Nexus came in, anyway). 4 had you fight random people for no apparent reason, narrative didn't really explain shit why Rayleonard went bonkers and tried to kill everything with Kojima Particles etc. etc.

And then sequel comes along and I have no idea whatsoever why is ORCA et al doing all that. 3 at least build up the image of world where corporations were being too greedy/incompetent and Controller/Dove went progressively insane and you (plus other Ravens) were pretty much the only one who could open Layered again and sweep this mess out.

inb4 tl;dr

Actually, 4 and 4A had a nice story. But due to westernization, the story was sorta lost in translation.

AC4 side:

AC Wiki wrote...

The world experienced a period of rapid population growth, which put a strain on global food and energy supplies. As populations increased, so did the gap between the wealthy and the poor, and so did the unrest within the population at large. Eventually, violence began to erupt and the governments quickly lost control of their populations as their cities were consumed by terrorism and anarchy. People began turning to corporations, complete with private armies, to keep them safe from the chaos.

In the midst of the meltdown, the world's six most powerful corporate conglomerates decided to do away with national governments and install their own brand of rule and law. They launched a full scale war on the nations of the world, which came to be known as the National Dismantlement War.

Using advanced Armored Core technology, the corporations decimated the forces of the nations and declared victory in less than a month. With the old nations of the world effectively toppled, the corporations set out to work on a new system of government.

The corporations dubbed their new order as the "Pax Economica" ("Economic [or Corporate] Peace", Latin), a system where loyalty and service to the corporations guaranteed food and survival. Under the Pax, however, people were forced into corporate-run colonies and essentially became slaves serving wealthy corporate masters.

Ten years later, Anatolia’s Mercenary – a Raven of unrivalled skill – rose, and helped the various corporations with suppressing rebellions from various groups, most notably the Maggrib Liberation Front, one of the only non-company forces to field NEXTs, cooperating with Joshua O’Brien – a mercenary for Aspina – in several battles. Eventually, the Mercenary was hired by Global Armaments to destroy GAE, GA’s Europe subsidiary, who were planning a breakaway from GA with the help of Rayleonard subsidiary Akvavit. Under GA’s direct orders, Anatolia’s Mercenary destroyed GAE’s prototype Mobile Fortresses (forerunner to modern Arms Forts), while they were still in dock at the Hejde Arsenal. After this attack, Akvavit lashed out at GA, calling it rightful retribution. This action echoed instantly throughout the other companies. A full-scale war broke out, with many attacks; Eqbal on GA’s Zextex Global Airport, GA on Leone Meccanica’s Megalis power plant, and many others, GA on Rayleonard’s new 05 models. Later on in the war, the Mercenary was hired again by GA and Rosenthal (who were allied) in a series of attacks against the Bernard and Felix Foundation. These culminated in a high-speed strike against the warship Queen’s Lance, BFF’s seaborne headquarters. This caused the complete collapse of BFF. After this, Rayleonard launched a series of extremely brutal attacks on the other companies, including use of the Sol Dios weapons, the finished form of the prototype weapons destroyed during the purge of GAE. During this time, the Mercenary was hired to mop up the remnants of BFF, making their annihilation complete. Following this, he was hired to retaliate against Rayleonard, including a strike against the huge Ehrenburg anti-satellite batteries and an attack on the rank three pilot, Anjou. The war culminated at a huge battle at the abandoned Old Peace City, with three pilots – Rank Four Leonhardt (Rosenthal), Rank Thirty Mido Auriel (Omer), and Anatolia’s Raven – facing off against Rayleonard’s four-pilot elite NEXT squadron, consisting of Rank Twenty-one P.Dam (Akvavit), Rank Twelve Zanni (Rayleonard), and Rank Fifteen Unseel (Rogue, ex-BFF), led by Rayleonard’s legendary Rank One – Berlioz. Come the end of this battle between the world’s greatest Lynx, Anatolia’s Raven was the sole survivor. After this battle, Anatolia’s Raven was immediately sent to destroy Exavil, Rayleonard’s enormous headquarters in Canada. After a one-sided battle, Exavil was destroyed, along with the rest of the Rayleonard corporation. This was the end of the Lynx War, and after a year and millions of deaths, it was finally over. However, Anatolia’s Raven was still seen as a threat by the power-hungry Omer corporation, and after the fall of Rayleonard, Omer had acquired the legendary 00-ARETHA. They held Joshua O’Brien’s colony hostage, and forced him to pilot the ARETHA, sending him on an attack against Anatolia. Anatolia was razed to the ground by the ARETHA, and the Raven was forced into battle again. After an intense battle between the ARETHA and the Raven, the ARETHA was defeated, and Joshua O’Brien killed. Following this, Fiona Jarnetfeld (the Raven’s operator) and the Raven himself left Anatolia, leaving the ruins behind them.

AC4A side (or basically The Closed Plan):

Before the National Dismantlement War, the corporations all had intentions of exploiting the last frontier: outer space. In order to hinder each other's progress, they constructed multitudes of powerful weaponized satellites called Assault Cells. These unmanned autonomous weapons orbited the Earth and served as an impassable barrier to space, destroying anything attempting to leave. Unable to reach space due to their own foolishness, the corporations prevented humanity a means to escape and migrate elsewhere.

Realizing the dangerous potential of the Kojima Particles, the very technology that gave birth to the company, and what the consequences of its widespread uses were, the Rayleonard corporation conceived a plan; defeat the other corporations, and use a number of massive land-based anti-satellite cannons to destroy the Assault Cells and clear the way to outer space.

It is widely speculated that Berlioz and his squadron of elite Originals were attempting to carry out the Closed Plan when they were defeated at the Battle at the Abandoned City.

Rayleonard was destroyed, but the plan survived in the form of ORCA led by Maximillian Thermidor. Thermidor believed passionately in the Closed Plan and its goals, stating that they must "wash away the sins of the corporations" and undo their mistake of blocking the way to space. He understood that diverting the energy of the Arteria facilities meant the Cradles would lose power and fall to the ground; he and the other members of ORCA were willing to have that blood on their hands if such a sacrifice would ensure the survival of mankind as a whole.

Ten years after the National Dismantlement War, ORCA finally moves into action. Striking at several of the Arteria facilities with a high rate of success, they spark a conflict between the League and themselves. The eventual outcome is up to what route the player chooses.

Room101 wrote...

Same in two with Leos Klein having happy fun time trolling you and all the corps.

[color=#9D0A0A]JOIN THE CHURCH OF KLEIN.[/color]
is there a demo for the console? I wish to try this game out before I make any decisions.
GamingNerd wrote...
is there a demo for the console? I wish to try this game out before I make any decisions.

There is a D/L demo for both 360 and PS.
EmiyaKiritsugu wrote...
GamingNerd wrote...
is there a demo for the console? I wish to try this game out before I make any decisions.

There is a D/L demo for both 360 and PS.

Link to the 360 demo please.
Ok,now that its been a few days and everyone has gotten a grasp of the game.

What team did you guys join?

Anyone interested in making a new team with me?
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