Armored Core V

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Too-much-work wrote...
Ok,now that its been a few days and everyone has gotten a grasp of the game.

What team did you guys join?

Anyone interested in making a new team with me?

PS3 or 360?

I'm the former.
I on PS3. Joined the team "iDOLM@STER".
I'm on ps3 as well. I've played with idolmaster team as a mercenary... "AIM FOR THE TOP IDOL" am I correct?
Yes, that is correct.

Should've known to join later. Got stuck in another group just picked out at random.

PSN: frstmn/Gottfried

Maybe I should just use an alt and join yer group lol.

Right now, I'm enjoying the Karasawa with its new charge feature evident on all laser rifles/cannons. I don't even mind the slow EN drain during the charge.

Anyone got any of the ultimate weapons?
I'm with a group named stealthforce, whats your teams level at the moment, we just past 130 and having an annoying time with stronghold missions.

The wait is way too long...

And yeah, I got the giga cannon/ blade ultimate weapon from the recon package. Those are pretty funny because I barely see anyone using them.
Has any one in the UK been able to buy it yet cause it doesn't seem to be for sale any where locally but amazon seems to be the only place though not that I intend to get it any time soon (I'm flat broke).
I want to get this game, but I don't have money right now.

I hear it plays closer to the older Armored Cores and nothing like 4 or 4A.
Mayucchi wrote...

I hear it plays closer to the older Armored Cores and nothing like 4 or 4A.

It's exactly that. Though the new play style is not as simple as it is. Your gunna have to play some easy missions at first and switch buttons configs to get it down pat.
I hated what I played of AC4. Wait. No. For Answer. Not sure if that's AC4 or not. Regardless, doesn't fill me with hope for the fifth installment.

Anyway, I only recently made the connection between From Software and its titles; ____ Souls, Tenchu, Armored Core and such. I was fucking stoked when I realized who they were and what they do. I knew they were cool, but I never drew together that they had done those. So actually? Take back what I said about AC5. It should be fucking badass.
Last I've checked, my Team Level is up to 100.
sakabato24 wrote...
Last I've checked, my Team Level is up to 100.

My team was level 52 last I played. That was a few days ago. QQ

I should go on soon, then.
So does anyone play this on the 360? I'm feeling pretty lonesome here =
So like is AC5 any good, cuz I had AC4 and For Answer, and I found them both mildly shitty, but they felt like they'd be a lot more fun if I had friends who were into mecha games...

Also, do you guys have some sort of forum for that b/c I could never find any matches on XBL.
Getting this game Asap. BTW, psn handle: alphafang32 I'll side with anyone.
PSN: Beautifulcreed. I specialize in being a Sniper
It finally came in. Now maybe I can see what all the hype is about.
I still don't see this for sale any where I'm really confused. It's like all retailers forgot to order any in.
just saw the reviews. damn, this looks to good to pass.

need to save up money for this game.
the game isn't that bad. stonghold missions are a pain in the ass and if your doing pvp matches and 2 ac are firing at you you've got a zero percent chance of survival. some AC can take hits for shit. the ultimate weapons are awesome, still wondering why nobody uses them? my favorite is the grind blade. damn thing sound s like a banshee coming out of hell when you use it.
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