Akaoni21 wrote...
Helicopters piss me off. (Wish I had a Stinger or something) Round and round they go... BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM >__<
Helos are easy to down learn to use an RPG or hop onto a heavy machinegun.
Glad theres no sway. Sway on MW2 was the reason that I never used Sniping Rifles in the game, FUCKING ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT!! I just used what I call the L1A1 for my Sniping needs. (FN FAL to everyone else)
One thing that annoys me though is games giving you the most powerfull weapons first (M24) then you unlock weaker ones later on in the game. WTF!!! In the good ol' days of gaming you usually unlocked more powerfull weapons LATER in the game. (Kids these days dont know how easy they've got it)
There is sway it's just not as noticeable as MW2 the stock sniper rifle is great but you'll like the GOL when you unlock it near flat trajectory.
The semi-auto rifle isn't a proper sniper rifle its role is a designated marksman's weapon for squad level support to engage targets outside the range that normal infantry can engage.
Anyway using any weapon in rl there is slight sway just due to your own body's functions, this is amplified with sniper rifles when you peer through the sights the same effect happens with powerful telephoto lenses without support.
The M24 isn't by any means powerful compared to the other sniper rifles (Except the Barret) at your disposal overall it's pretty average and on par with the same gun in BF2.
It seems like games try to emulate this effect to be 'realistic' MW2 sniping is beyond easy want to kill something? Hold shift, aim and fire.
And as for spawn raping its horrible when they do it to you but... Heh Heh Heh :lol:
Spawn rape only happens if your team sucks, like really sucks otherwise you can easily give the enemy a run for their money. Even if they have a tank don't just play recon all the time if you lack AT guys play engy to blow up the tank raping spawn point.
I really like the maps except for one... The woodland map Laguna something. (Laguna Presa rocks)
That map is the best rush map ever, pure and brutal infantry combat at its best.