shinsan wrote...
multistab wrote...
btw does MUV LUV ALTERNATIVE have a cg mode or scene reply mode you can unlock?
if so can someone provide me with a 100% save data file
please and thanks
I downloaded a few people they were all save points (none unlocked anything at title screen / etc)
This game is pretty linear and there aren't many HCGs/scenes except for what they recycled from Extra and Unlimited as quick image flashbacks. I believe there is only one H scene with the main heroine. This game is experienced much like a movie and I think they can get away without having the normal VN CG/Extras unlock.
P.S. This game isn't about the H. It would ruin the story for you anyways so you should just play through the game normally.
I discovered that after finishing it yesterday ~ sorry I forgot to delete / edit my post
thank you for answering my question btw
The version of Muv Luv ALTERED FABLE provided in this thread includes Muv Luv Supplement Tokuten?
What the difference between
I just finish downloading altered fable ----> would it be pointless downloading supplement/supplement tokute?
please and thanks