AzelleFans wrote...
Other units I'm also using;
Red; 5*Corn bearer, 4*Fir (too low atk), 4*Laslow. Working on; Cain, Lon'Qu
Blue; 3*Florina, 4*Oboro. Working on; Cordelia, Shareena
Green; -. Working on; 3*Cecilia, 3*Cherce, 4*Hawkeye, 4*Gunther, 4*Barst, 4*female Robin
Colorless; 4*Sakura. Working on; 4*Maria, 4*Jeorge
Fir is one of my favourite characters, but her damage is just never gonna be up to snuff. Only with her special can she do any real damage.
I keep her around because I like her, but she's been keeping the bench warm for several weeks now.
Oboro suffers from some low speed and a skill that doesn't really do much unless you bring a mage/dragon along. Her Seal Defense is pretty great when training up lower level units, though.
4 star Cecilia does okay on the support and bait end, but she has trouble in battle with almost everyone. Same with F Robin, but, unlike Cecilia, she has no way to escape unfavourable matchups- which happen far too often.
Anyways- finally got a character maxed out. Camilla. Average Attack (38), Defense (28), and Resistance (31). Crap HP (34), but top Speed (30).
Not ideal, since she's a little fragile against the top-tiers, but the speed comes in mighty handy a lot. Doesn't get doubled too often and can occasionally pull a quadruple strike.
I upgraded Gordin (I pulled a 4 star on the summons, so I also merged) and now he's finally putting in some work. I also got a 3 star Eliwood, but his survivability is a little weak- even with Holy Vestments.
Also- figures that Odin would jump up several tiers after I got rid of him.