VitaExcessum wrote...
I install the japanese language pack and also changed my regional setting, but when I click on the update patch to install it, the words are still in Japanese and I can't read it at all. I also tried to install applocale, but it said that I'm missing something to install it, so I can't install it at all. Can someone be kind enough to tell me what I should do when I click on the update patch, cause I have no idea since its in Japanese.
This is how to get the game running
without having to change the regional setting or using AppLocale. This was done on a laptop using Windows Vista Ultimate.
1. Mount the game using Daemon Tools. When you do this, you will receive an error message in japanese. Don't worry about this and procede to step two.
2. Go to your start menu and select the
Computer option. You'll see the Gadget Trial icon in your F drive because you mounted it using Daemon Tools. Right click the icon and select
3. Next double click the icon that looks like a computer monitor. It will also be the only icon there that is in full japanese. Double clicking it will allow you to install the game. It will install in the
Program Files section of you C drive in the
KumasanTeam folder
4. Now you download the update first. Double click the
gtupdate icon that's in the
Gadget Trial - English Patch folder that you got in the OP's post. You will install it into the GADEGETT folder that is within your KumasanTeam folder that appeared when you installed the game.
5. After that finishes, do the exact same thing with the
GadgetTrial En-Patch 20080419 Setup icon that you did in step 4 with the
gtupdate icon.
6. Once that is done, create a shortcut on your desktop using the exe icon, or just launch it from the folder. ENJOY!
Now post some more strategies, this game is kicking my ass. :)