Xil wrote...
Hm, just does not sit right with me.
The first one was supposed to have more coming for it, plus give modders a lot more freedom than they currently have. Now, about 7 months after it's release they are already making an entirely new one? Leaving the 'old' one for dead?
I don't buy it being as new, shiny, and improved as they make it sound. A few new levels- which you can already get for free from the modding community- ONE new special infected, one new weapon, and now you'll have to change weapons to do a melee attack... and they will charge you top dollar for all of it.
Now believe me when I say, I hope this game is as good, if not better, than the original... just feels like Valve is trying to milk L4D too hard...
I agree with the fact that Valve should have waited a bit, but it will be a full year after Nov. The thing is I only play co-op now, I gave up on survival when I got my distinguished medal - bronzes on all 16 levels. I'm wondering how Valve is going to balance conventional weaponry and the melee weapons because no matter how I think of it, the frying pan is just silly. And incendiary bullets? Wtf? In any normal town, how often are you going to come across bullets that have incendiary properties? Like next to zero.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm going to love it for what it is... but I think some of the game should've been hashed more properly. The new witch is awesome... the charger thing looks somewhat gay.