edarddragon wrote...
help need instructions how to fix the game to play the game saves but when i close and reopen it isnt there help video or instructions please
I think what you're saying is that your saves won't load right? If I'm wrong please tell me but I'll put the how to on here anyways.
So the coding of this game was a little weird for the translation team so they couldn't make it so you could save wherever you wanted. Instead they made save points in their translation portions of the game.
So at various points(usually before and after a battle) you'll come to a screen with "save location" in the textbox.
Only at these points will you be able to save your game. No other points. No exceptions. If you have loading problems at these save points then something's wrong with your computer configuration. Unfortunately I'm not familiar with those bugs if something like that is the problem.
Hope this solves the issue.