sifian_ wrote...
If your bent on getting more points out of your current game, hopefully you have a big stack of relationship items or satisfaction bonuses (choose 3 relationship points for all commanders) then clear a few of your commanders and make sure you choose the "end game points" as a passive. you can only give that passisve to 5 people, I think though. However, if no one has it, and you have 5 people you could clear, then that's 20 points you can earn in like 4-6 turns.
Oh! But I did that this time through! Each play through was like a learning lesson for me. The first I just used to understand the game, the second was to try for a better score and the third one (the last one I just finished) was to try and gain enough points for the "Kill the Monkey" option.
In my third play through I cleared around 25 commanders and all the commanders (all 25 I cleared) had the "End Game Bonus" option. I was hoping to bank on this to gain enough points, but it didn't work. I even had defeated the Yokai King for +10 points and 30,000 Troops for another +10.
Here's my Stats I have:
Basic Score 72
-Beat Orochi [incomplete]
-Character Clear: 15 [+30]
-Beat Youkai King [+10]
-Fuck 300 women [incomplete] (how in the hell do you get this one?)
-6 Great Treasures [incomplete] (I assume that this is the Route where you collect the "Emperors Treasures"?)
-30,000 Troops [+10]
Turns 203
Score 0
Do the different routs add up then or something?
By the way, each time I played I only did the True Route.