Mr.Eagle wrote...
I'm currently fighting the demon army in cairo. I'll be honest, i'm getting slaughtered by the monster commanders (Not the special units, the genetic monster commanders)...
That mostly requires a lot of luck. Things that will help:
1) Get Suzume to a strong enough troop level that she can assassinate the generic enemy caster.
2) Bring (strong)enough ranged that you can kill the time killer before he does his special. Kenshin can help a with this a lot, because a lot of the time the Time Killer will have only two action slots, and if one is auto-consumed by "Goddess of War" he can't use it.
3) Pray that the enemy boss spams the remove bonus ability rather than the damaging attack.
4) Battle Preparation: If all comes to worse, keep spamming the Takeda ranch or Rance's Harem until you get 160 points. At that point you can get another action fan. If you also use your satisfaction to increase battle preparation to 13 or 16, you can start the fight with a 39 or 48% advantage (minus the 20% advantage the enemy has by defauly) (also note that 16+16+16 battle preparation requires a ton of construction, so you might not want to upgrade that far). As far as I can tell, battle preparation is a damage multiplier, but not a defense multiplier. It makes a big difference going from taking 20% extra damage to dealing 19% extra damage.
5) If you're concerned about time constraints, don't be. The game doesn't enter the point of no return until you take two buildings in Morocco.
Edit: Battle permits. When I got them I was only able to equip one unit (Foot soldier), I also had a warrior and tactician unit that met the thousand troop requirement. Am I only allowed to equip one at a time or is there a way to equip more at once?
You can equip all 5 at once, assuming you have one of each unit type with 1000+ troops.