Razgr1zAc3 wrote...
Terra21 wrote...
Having some trouble capturing Ran on my first play-through, conquered 2 Houjou territories, Edo and Kazusa 2000, when I attack Saitama, she never seems to appear, re-loaded tons of times but can't seem to get her to appear in battle.
Following a walkthrough and had both events with Suzaku and the one with Souun telling her about Suzaku.
Anyone know of a way to make her appear?
Try having them take back their territory and take it back, my guess is you probably took the territory to quickly did souun tell her about suzaku before you took over them or after?
It was after i took over the 2nd Territory, the scene came up, walkthough says after this scene Ran is capturable, but as i was saying shes not appearing, I'll try giving them territory and taking it back.
Edit: Yeah that worked, attacked Saitama and killed 2 people, when i ended the turn they attacked again and Ran was with them, captured her first time :)
Thanks for the help heh