ctyinglee wrote...
hmm... the functionality of the English version sucks compared to the japanese one unfortunately .... i.e. the quick save function has been replaced with antoehr that's convoluted. the font config is been removed, and the auto-mode turns off when you click on the screen... unlike the japanese version
has any one managed to simply transport the graphics and text into the japanese version of the game?
Jesus, how picky can you get? The quicksave is simple: it has three slots for the last three times you quicksaved, listed reverse-chronologically. I don't recall exactly how it was in the Japanese version, as far as I remember it just offered you one slot. I fail to see how auto-mode stopping when you click is a hassle, considering that you have NO REASON to click the screen (auto-mode does not turn off after clicking for multi-choice questions). If anything, the extra stopping power is useful. And finally, there's really nothing wrong with the font as it is.
Honestly, you're bitching about incredibly minor "issues". It's not even like they pulled a 4Kids with the translation or anything. But thankful that we got an English version at all.