Silent hill VS. Resident evil

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Silent hill or Resident evil?

Total Votes : 42
Never played SH sadly
Resident Evil Wins Every Time.
silent hill for me

off topic:I'm a fan of horror games. but man, how the hell can you guys play fatal frame?
serpentura wrote...
silent hill for me

off topic:I'm a fan of horror games. but man, how the hell can you guys play fatal frame?

^I agree with this^
fatal frame really?
resident evil is good but its not even in the same class as silent hill.
silent hill is without a doubt the best horror game ever. it has suspense,
hard riddles,its challenging,and at the end it always leaves you wanting more.
you could never compare resident evil to silent hill.

If I have to choose between Resident Evil, and Silent Hill; I'd say Silent Hill. I love the atmosphere they bring to the table, compared to most Horror element games. RE is more Action than actual Suspense. However, some of the newer Silent Hill games have been kinda lacking, which saddens me, but Shattered Memories wasn't so bad. It certainly redeemed itself after the last two "failures".

Outside these two games though, I'd say Fatal Frame is my all time favorite Horror game. It's atmosphere is awesome, all you get is one weapon, nothing more making you rely on wit, rather than firepower. Two musts in a horror game.

And what I can't believe is one other series never mentioned by anyone; Clock Tower. This game/series goes even further than Fatal Frame does in Suspense and Horror.

Anyways, yeah. I'll shut up now.
Alex~kun wrote...
If I have to choose between Resident Evil, and Silent Hill; I'd say Silent Hill. I love the atmosphere they bring to the table, compared to most Horror element games. RE is more Action than actual Suspense. However, some of the newer Silent Hill games have been kinda lacking, which saddens me, but Shattered Memories wasn't so bad. It certainly redeemed itself after the last two "failures".

Outside these two games though, I'd say Fatal Frame is my all time favorite Horror game. It's atmosphere is awesome, all you get is one weapon, nothing more making you rely on wit, rather than firepower. Two musts in a horror game.

And what I can't believe is one other series never mentioned by anyone; Clock Tower. This game/series goes even further than Fatal Frame does in Suspense and Horror.

Anyways, yeah. I'll shut up now.

I guess Clock tower was too horror like for the creator of this thread because, you can't even kill the guy who's stalking you in the first 2 games lol.
pozertron wrote...

I guess Clock tower was too horror like for the creator of this thread because, you can't even kill the guy who's stalking you in the first 2 games lol.

Didn't get scared by Clock Tower (Though I only got to play 2 and 3) but they said the first one was scary.
Kaimax Best Master-San
lol, clock tower was freakin scary too. I'm not gonna relive the time when I'm stalked/chased/killed by an "immortal" killer. lol
pozertron wrote...

I guess Clock tower was too horror like for the creator of this thread because, you can't even kill the guy who's stalking you in the first 2 games lol.

I've never played Clock tower, and I doubt I ever will. I wanted to make a thread about Silent hill vs. Resident evil.
lazyasschillypepper wrote...
pozertron wrote...

I guess Clock tower was too horror like for the creator of this thread because, you can't even kill the guy who's stalking you in the first 2 games lol.

I've never played Clock tower, and I doubt I ever will. I wanted to make a thread about Silent hill vs. Resident evil.

Shame on you. You should play it, at least once. It's a classic.
Kaimax wrote...
wha? no Fatal frame?!~~~ lol

Honestly speaking, I like resident Evil more than silent hill :D

seriously, Fatal frame is better, I "scared quit" after some levels, can't stand the mental pressure. finished the game with a friend. :D


I for one never finished any Fatal Frame. Just have them, cuz they are cool to have.
While I can appreciate SH's pysch approach(the Wii one, shattered memories is pretty good) I prefer RE's "heres a gun and a bunch of things to kill, go get em" approach. I guess I prefer RE because it allows me to completely FACEMELT my problems than SH where my problems are so esoteric in nature that I want to falcon punch myself in face.
My vote is Silent Hill; I've purely enjoyed every game so far (5/7). Each game has a different story to it, which makes it more interesting. Controls don't bother me and I always find my items to be enough for me to complete the game.

I love RE too, but there are certain aspects that make me love SH more :)

I've also played Fatal Frame, and like others, I completed it with a friend because it did scare the pants off me here and there XD
Vote for Silent Hill...

At the psychology aspect, Silent Hill owns Resident Evil.
and ..
Silent Hill's Story > Resident Evil Story,
as much as i play the SH series, there is always a lot of disambiguation interpretation about the monster and how the story develop.
SH Story was far more complex than any other games that i have been played.

"The Fear of Blood tends to create the fear for the flesh"
* Still don't understand yet >_<
Old - Jenkins wrote...
"The Fear of Blood tends to create the fear for the flesh"
* Still don't understand yet >_<

Blood = life
Flesh = death

The fear of life results in the fear of death; the fear of life results in the fear of living.


Just look at the difference between the function of each preposition in the phrase: "of" and "for".

The fear of anything in particular naturally cultivates fear for the integrity of that which separates us from it. What need would we have to fear anything were there no skepticism as to our ability to maintain separation from it.

In a geological sense: the fear of flood tends to create fear for the levee.

In relation to captivity: The fear of the panther tends to create -- and hinges upon -- fear for its cage.

The fear of blood tends to create fear for the flesh.


From what I see, blood stands for something necessary to make the flesh alive.
Without blood running trough our veins, we would be nothing more than a carcass.
Blood is part of our lives, flesh too.
If we are afraid of blood, we are neglecting our own flesh, denying something that we are.
Humans are only alive because the brain keeps the blood flowing and running trough the veins, so, we are only alive because of the blood (putting aside the brain).

And my own input:

The fear of what's hidden tends to create fear for the surface...
What means as much as; it takes courage to get the truth.
KLoWn wrote...
Old - Jenkins wrote...
"The Fear of Blood tends to create the fear for the flesh"
* Still don't understand yet >_<

Blood = life
Flesh = death

The fear of life results in the fear of death; the fear of life results in the fear of living.


Just look at the difference between the function of each preposition in the phrase: "of" and "for".

The fear of anything in particular naturally cultivates fear for the integrity of that which separates us from it. What need would we have to fear anything were there no skepticism as to our ability to maintain separation from it.

In a geological sense: the fear of flood tends to create fear for the levee.

In relation to captivity: The fear of the panther tends to create -- and hinges upon -- fear for its cage.

The fear of blood tends to create fear for the flesh.


From what I see, blood stands for something necessary to make the flesh alive.
Without blood running trough our veins, we would be nothing more than a carcass.
Blood is part of our lives, flesh too.
If we are afraid of blood, we are neglecting our own flesh, denying something that we are.
Humans are only alive because the brain keeps the blood flowing and running trough the veins, so, we are only alive because of the blood (putting aside the brain).

And my own input:

The fear of what's hidden tends to create fear for the surface...
What means as much as; it takes courage to get the truth.

hey, thank you 4 share.
but is it your theory ? or it have been confirmed officially ?
^That's not anything confirmed, it's just a theory.

Like most things Silent Hill it's better to have stuff shrouded in mystery and theories rather than having the developers just plain out explain everything to us, imo anyway.
that's why it has a lot of disambiguation.
it's somewhat SH's charm.

btw, your theory has interesting point.
thx (again) LoL.
i will keep that in mind
I prefer Silent Evil or Resident Hill...

On a serious note : Resident Evil wins.. a close victory tho... Just who don't go gay at the Pyramid head
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