Silent hill VS. Resident evil

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Silent hill or Resident evil?

Total Votes : 42
^ Fucking awesome.

I guess why people seem to prefer RE over SH (from what I can see in the poll results) is because Resident evil is a lot easier to understand (plot wise) and because of that, it's easier to get into. Your in a town/mansion/police HQ and your goal is pretty simple; get the hell out of there!

In SH, one game differs from the other. Storyline, character(s), pacing...and like I said in my opening post, SH focus more on melee combat then firearm combat. Ammo is a lot more scarce in SH, and as your ramp up the difficulty, ammo becomes even more hard to come by. And thus, the frustrating part of SH becomes obvious:

A lot of people dislike the melee combat system and find it frustrating. It's a lot easier in RE shooting things from afar.
Old - Jenkins wrote...
"The Fear of Blood tends to create the fear for the flesh"
* Still don't understand yet >_<

My (very simple) take on it is that to be afraid of blood is to be afraid of bleeding. And how do you primarily bleed? By having your flesh cut or torn. If you feel afraid when you see blood, you may be afraid of losing your flesh. Seeing blood may make you think of being hurt.
REmake > Silent Hill > Resident Evil 2-3 > Silent Hill 2-4 > Resident Evil 0 > Resident Evil 1 > Resident Evil CV

Haven't played the other games yet. Don't count 4 and 5 because it's obvious they're not true horror games.
lazyasschillypepper wrote...
^ Fucking awesome.
I guess why people seem to prefer RE over SH (from what I can see in the poll results) is because Resident evil is a lot easier to understand (plot wise) and because of that, it's easier to get into. Your in a town/mansion/police HQ and your goal is pretty simple; get the hell out of there!

So it is more likeable when the game is linear and have understandable story, right?
seems like SH was liked by gamer who like philosophical things . :lol:

ShaggyJebus wrote...

My (very simple) take on it is that to be afraid of blood is to be afraid of bleeding. And how do you primarily bleed? By having your flesh cut or torn. If you feel afraid when you see blood, you may be afraid of losing your flesh. Seeing blood may make you think of being hurt.

i have think about this theory too.
but i can't see the connectivity between SH1 and the theory :sad:
i'd go for silent hill.. i dont know.. it just hit me..
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Love this guy <3.... He got the aura of badassness that can make you silent in cold...
Resident Evil all the way.

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Gotta love that picture.
I voted for silent hill because of its eerie and suffocating atmosphere. Resident Evil just usually makes me laugh of their unintentional funny dialouges.

Jil says "I feel that there's danger upclose" while zombies were munching on her butt and Chris says "I wonder what made this huge cobweb" while directly standing next to a giant spider.

Silent Hill focuses more on the story than gameplay which Resident Evil prioritized lately. I can forgive Silent Hill's shortcomings on camera angle, gameplay etc for their amazing story telling which other games lack.
i vote for resident evil...first game i played when i bought the ps1...i tried to play silent hill...although it has the creepy atmosphere but it doesn't uses guns a that time, i just love shooting game...8)
i just love SH the pure changage that i give me can not comper to RE...
resident evil 1, 2, and 3 was actually creepy. 4 and 5 is all about shooting mutated people.
while silent hill 1 to 4( is there a five already?) isn't playable due to it's creepiness.

my vote goes to silent hill
Silent hill for creep-ness

Resident Evil for game play.
I think RE is better~
while silent hill serves better horror condition thing, RE serves a good gameplay and story better
Silent Hill has always scared the shit out of me, even up to now. I prefer RE for some action and gun slingin'.
Resident Evil... Survival Horror? You surely must be joking right?
Sevhenko wrote...
Resident Evil... Survival Horror? You surely must be joking right?

I agree with this. It really isn't survival when the people in it aren't afraid of the baddies anymore. My Chris goes "weeee a monster another poor idiot to decapitate" everytime it sees a zombie.
Silent Hill seems more well thought out. I can't even read about it without having nightmares. Resident Evil is OK but it seems silly in comparison.

This is essentially Psychological vs Jump and scare. Psychological horror stays with you longer.
Sevhenko wrote...
Resident Evil... Survival Horror? You surely must be joking right?

Are you trying to say that the series that pretty much created the genre isn't survival horror? lawlz~

Well...dunno bout 4 & 5, but the other ones definitely are.
KLoWn wrote...
Sevhenko wrote...
Resident Evil... Survival Horror? You surely must be joking right?

Are you trying to say that the series that pretty much created the genre isn't survival horror? lawlz~

Well...dunno bout 4 & 5, but the other ones definitely are.

Just goes to show what american culture can do in a horror game... which is totally fuck up the atmosphere by integrating their culture and totally turn it into an action game
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