Ryouma Sakamoto wrote...
For me bad graphics can be forgiven with a good story. But sadly most games out there fuck up the story just as much as they fuck up the graphics. But it's not too late yet the story can be forgiven with a good game play right? Well fuck yes but unfortunately some games today are too busy caring so much about realism that the gameplay gets horribly disfigured into a complex puzzle nobody gives a crap about.
At least most PC games come with mod support, allowing the community to polish the game to a better form.
One example could be the Battlefield 2. What it was? Just BF1942 with some unlockables, better graphics and still those throw grenades as much as possible if you can't get a tank or a plane.
Yet that game's engine farted out Forgotten Hope 2 and Project Reality, both being rather popular at MoDB.
Worst choice imo in the game developing is to leave the modding capabilities out. This infact dooms most games to be short lived. MW2 would be the first to say as an example.
I tend to enjoy playing mods a whole lot more then the real game. Why? Because the mod dev's actually care about what the players think of their mod and what might need fixing. Project Reality 0.85 didn't win the mod of the year 2008 alone or Mechwarrior:Living Legends mod of the year 2009. Seriously, very few game development companies actually respond to the feedback given by the players.
Probably one of the few is CCP, the developer of Eve Online.