XularusXIII wrote...
How do I star one of the games individually? All I see is one "bmw" file. Is that all four games in one, or is each BMW game a chapter of one game?
Put the patch in the same folder and it froze, so I closed it. Now it's telling me I already have the latest patch when I clearly don't and the game still crashes when I enter a fight, though the two may be unrelated.
All one game, each game just added levels to the storyline up until the final level.
Sounds like you either didn't let the graphics patch run fully before or some problem I never ran into. If when you say it froze before, you mean that you ran the graphics patch and it froze then you're probably going to have to reinstall the game. Had the problem the first time I ever installed it since my computer then was a piece of crap and took forever to install and patch.
So you may have to do what I did, used RevoUninstaller to remove the game, removing any registry of it along the way(part of Revo's options) and then reinstall and run the patch again, but don't touch it at all. Just start the patch and leave the computer alone till it's finished, seems the patch is kinda touchy. Might not need Revo, I used it for some reason but don't remember if it was because I couldn't uninstall using the normal windows uninstaller.
Game is admittedly a bit touchy about installation and patching. Good luck and if I was wrong about my assumption on what you meant leave another message and I'll see if I can help. And sorry if I missread, lack of sleep and getting up early today's a pain.