Why is it that the best treats are the kiddie ones...
Finished Super DanganRonpa2: Despairing at killing your Waifu. Wacky, unique and memorable murder detective game that is a must have for any Vita owner. It also has three sub games built into it that are almost games by their own right, so it's well worth the price.
I felt like most of the puzzles were completely reflex based and poorly designed. For example, one of the segments with a split-second time limit had three questions with one word misspelled in them as the trick. A preschooler would've defeated the Ultimate Despair for god's sake. I would be lying if they weren't fun though, they retain that wacky, frantic charm that the original Danganronpa had in spades during investigation.
Every single time I broke my bank over romancing a character to finally get him to tell me the heartbreaking story of his life next time we meet..he dies immediately the next day. Granted it's not the game's fault but good lord I wanted to at least tap her once before her Pepto-bismal blood got splattered all over the walls...okay you can't actually tap them but you get their underwear after maxing their affection...even if it's a guy...I'm still keeping it.
I liked this quite a bit, I'm not sure if this is a definitive end to the Danganronpa series but if this is: They hit it off at the top of their stride.