Foreground Eclipse wrote...
HouraiTeahouse wrote...
Corpse Party: Blood Drive
Pretty jealous. How does it compare to Blood Covered and Book of Shadows, in terms of gameplay?
It's okay. There are a bunch of hazards on the ground that decreases your health (yes, the health bar finally has a point) that are hard to see without the flashlight you're given on, which I find annoying. Especially since the game stutters just barely enough for you to notice when you step on one. You can also succumb to Darkening by examining enough stuff, which I found to be a nice touch all around. It's at a slow enough pace that it doesn't hinder you normally, and being closer to falling into it alters the game a bit. Screen has a small layer of static, pause menu portrait looks eerier, that kind of stuff. You can also run (with your speed decreasing if you do it for too long, ending with your character pausing to gasp for breath) and hide from ghosts in convenient closets scattered across Heavenly Host. Ghosts are smart enough to throw you out if they see you get in them, which deals a lot more damage that just being attacked. Huge improvements.
However, the writing is okay at best. They add plenty of black magic stuff, remove what made Heavenly Host so unique and terrifying, pile sympathy onto Sachiko, Shinozaki bloodline, blah blah blah. Shits on the first game. Almost all the new characters are unsympathetic dickbags, while the returning ones are completely inept. Ayumi did how much in the past two games? Yet she screams like a little girl at the slightest provocation. Naomi is boring, Satoshi still has the zero personality he's always had, and Kishinuma...has actually been really good. He's making intelligent moves, which is more than I can say for the rest of the cast.
That said, I've only last beaten chapter 3 and did the first side story (which was actually really good!). Maybe I'll be willing to put up with everyone being a moron later, but I have Norn 9 to play in the meantime.