After rotting on my backlog, I finally finished KaranoShojo 2. Quite solid sequel despite IG spoiled the most wanted stuff right at our face, which made me feel more hollow than depressed after finished this game.
Hinegami part feels well written, it manage to divert my attention from present arc and the characters interactions are fairly enjoyable. The hinna samma past mysteries are also more interesting than present arc murder spree, present arc murderer is rather easy to predict and the murderer's personality failed to impress me.
I'm bit sad with lack of Yukiko screentime since there are so many mysteries around her, despite it got revealed near the end I'm still feeling not satisfied. Her bad end are also the most horrifying and disturbing one, I can't imagine what will Reiji do if he got it.
The True End gives many sequel possibilities, which the reason why I feel hollow.
How and when did Kuroya Naori met Mamiya Shinji? Why Naori killed him? Why took the baby? Why bother distributing Sheep of Purgatrio script? What are Naori motives?
At the bright side, most of the major characters are still alive on True End, hell I even consider they're having 'Happy End' for theirself.
I can only hope the third game will give Reiji happy true end. He's suffered enough and now he have to find the last thing which bounds him and Touko.
I give it 85, surely meet my expectation as sequel, but story feel weaker than first KnS.