Wait, it's over already!? Damn my busy life... Welllllll, congratulations to Kuro and Cokeysion for winning!!!
AssasinZAssasin wrote...
I'm just putting out personal preference, i prefer plot over grammar. You can have PERFECT grammar, but a crappy plot and i'd probably not like it. Of course, when i comment or review, i mostly try to tell them what they did grammatically wrong. But doing it in the contest would probably disqualify that person or my post will be removed so yeah. Good luck next time then! I'll, well probably be joining you in trying again. I may be presumptuous but seeing all these polls, the chances of me standing a chance at all in the finals is kinda...nil. Still, i wouldn't mind. never expected to make the finals =/.
Well, I also like a story with a good plot, too. Frankly speaking, I'm not one who will go my way out to point out grammatical errors in an entry. Still, a story needs a good storyline to be good, but the winning story needs a good plot AND the author's comprehension of the language, dontchu think?
And you can't participate in a competition not believing you'll win... Yours is good, so have confidence and believe in yourself. And yeah, like high_time said, enjoy it while it last. :D