It looks like nobody’s hating the story, but the antagonist in the story. Big difference. However, I would suspect that even he has a cheering section. I don’t know why, but I’d expect he does.
The "huntresses" seem to know what they're doing. As they prepare
to confront the Scumbag MC, I get the impression they've done this
before, perhaps with other diabolical, overpowered scumbags.
It appears he does have influence on the audience since none appear disturbed by what is being shown on tv. That just makes the MC that more terrifying hopefully there exists a way to counter his influence.
So the next issue is where he FINALLY gets his comeuppance. Will this new person be captured? Killed? We all know what we want to happen. I just hope it does and he does not turn it against her.
The point of these stories are fantasies that allow readers to self insert and enjoy the fictional scenarios. You wanting justice to be served is really missing the point because you're suppose to simply self insert and enjoy the scenarios. Not take it so serious.
The whole point of telling a story is to impact the reader, positively or negatively, esp when shock value is involved. Don’t want any negative vibe against a character, don’t have him be a asshole. Now as in terms of enjoying the story strictly bc of the reader putting themselves in the place of said character and relishing what he’s doing, I’m stepping away from that one.
Well, first off, I don't ever self-insert in anything I read. Second, I can assure you that I'm not taking this as seriously as you seem to be implying I am(or why you would even care if I was). Finally, I didn't know me wanting to see a different ending than what normally happens in mind control stories offended you that much. My bad.
I am not sure if it was the eye contact that triggered the power or the distance. I would say eye contact. Looking down the lens of teh studio camera places everyone under his effect. Even the picture the "hunters" have is from the side.
I feel like an idiot. I went searching through the entire series to find the girl in the photo. It is the TV presenter. So there is no link from the "hunters" to him from past crimes.
I know you put a lot of weight on the "eye contact" angle, which
is certainly part of the Scumbag MC's hypnotic "répertoire," but
I think he uses eye contact mainly as an "intensifier," especially
when he's asking a victim to do something sexual or outlandish.
Fair point. I was looking at how the presenters reacted. From their point of view they wouldn't look at him until he got close to the camera. They are just reading the teleprompter when someone moves past the camera. After the moment of "WTF?" they look at him and are hypnotized. The "intensifier" is a great idea, especially for the resistant bus girl.
An observation:
The TV audience doesn't seem to be perturbed
by the Scumbag MC's outrageous antics, which
means his hypnotic influence can affect millions
via the airwaves or the internet. That makes him really dangerous.
Only 10 pages of (IMHO) facepalm-inducing material. Maybe it's a sign that The Day Of Reckoning is approaching for this story's MC. Honestly (and again, IMHO), I'm only staying around to see that Mystical Magical Moment!