This is truly the epitome of the young male sex fantasy. A sexually active, socially clueless, ultra hot/cute gamer girl who happily discards a life of random sex for monogamy with a nerd who has no defining characteristics aside from being "nice."
Some online harassment is nothing compared to the reward of turning a naughty, ditzy, sex loving, streamer girl into YOUR naughty, ditzy, sex loving, streamer girlfriend!!
Every man is powerless against the playful, beauty mark, half-dyed hair, piercings, streamer, naughty cuteness that is Yumeme!
(Her design kinda reminds me of Uta lol)
It's amusing that neither of them can actually articulate why it's bad for her to be a slut so he just decides to make her his and it kind of works itself out from there.
Ah, the old game of sexual chicken. Or as an old friend called it "Death by a thousand cuts/dicks".
Sometimes a character will say that they are stupid while making good rational decisions. Telling your obsessed fan base you found a lover proves our boy has a long road ahead.
Last Modified Sun Dec 18, 2022, 4:03 am