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*Bear hugs everyone in the chat thread*


edit: ^ after i gave a thought about it, that sound effect sounds gay.

Maybe it's just me. NNNGGGGGGGGGHHH
what happened to CR it's fucking lag like shit. whoops. nvm.
He can have Sakura or Taiga, I'll keep Saber to myself.

Because a retard like Shirou doesn't deserve an awesome girl like Saber D:
theotaku wrote...
Kazenoken wrote...
theotaku wrote...
Forum Image:

dude its a guuy

That's soo lies >_<

Ponytails are hot. Too bad that ponytail is a trap. But I'd still hit it.
AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH I missed the pic quiz and late to see my own request!! TT____TT

I hate college life. That is awesome kaho, repped you for that awesome Touka :D
Jesus loves me.
Forum Image:

Not much of a weapon, but I had scared one pussy motherfucker with this, lol.
Bah, stupid fanatics. Even my pastor loled at those kind of people. They got their priorities messed up. The main purpose of following a religion is to reach salvation, miracles are just extras. God just won't easily grant miracle to a crazy parents in Weston.

Words from my pastor that I still remember until now:
"God is not your personal miracle doctor. He can heal you with miracles but He can also use doctors and medicines. What happened with the good old 'Ora et Labora'? Do you think you can get smarter with just praying? It's the same with sickness. Nothing good will come if you just ask for God to get His ass over here and cure your son. When you have done your best, God will do the rest. Simple as that. We should ban teachings that give empty promise such as miracles like this. God doesn't need lazy stupid people who worship Him just to get his hemorrhoids cured. But it's gonna be difficult. After all, your health is more important than salvation, right? ;D"
wellcum to fakku.
Vox Vocis wrote...

#1 Anime: Gurren Lagann
Visual Novel: Always Fate/Stay Night

I've liked you already.
All Makoto Shinkai's movies are tear-jerkers, except Beyond the Clouds. That one was rather strange IMO.

-5 cm per Second
-End of Evangelion
-Kara no Kyoukai
-The Girl Who Leap Through Time
-Voices of a Distant Star
-Howl's Moving Castle
-My Neighbour PedoroTotoro
Cutter wrote...
Forum Image:

ok i am not sure if i am seeing stuff but is there a pic of che guevara at the lower left corner?

You're late, bro.
HentaiElder wrote...

10.) If a Man’s fly is down, that’s his problem, you didn’t see anything.

14.) Never talk to a Man in a bathroom unless you are on equal footing: i.e. Both urinating, both waiting in line, etc. For all other situations, an almost imperceptible nod is all the conversation you need.

22.) If a buddy is out-numbered, out-Manned, or too drunk to fight, you must jump into the fight.

Exception: If within the last 24 hours his actions have caused you to think, “What this guy needs is a good ass-whoopin.”, then you may sit back and enjoy.

Fuck yeah I'm a real man!

HentaiElder wrote...

5.) No Man shall ever be required to buy a birthday present for another Man. In fact, even remembering your friend’s birthday is strictly optional.

13.) If you compliment a Man on his six-pack, you’d better be talking about his choice of beer.

23.) If a buddy is already singing along to a song in the car, you may not join him, too gay.

24.) Under no circumstances may two men share an umbrella.

..wait...oh shit.

btw what's wrong with giving your buddy a bday present? <__<;
Rbz wrote...
HentaiElder wrote...

Forum Image:

So he's not only a commie, but also a lolicon. Nice O_o
ero-sensei wrote...
i guess it's my turn to make a fairy wings.....

*eyes somesome's fairy wings*


*logs in my account and somesome's*

*met both char at izlude*

*unequip somesome's fairy wings*

the next action will be......

*transfer all the money and bapho horn to somesome's account*

*put the fairy wings back to somesome's char*

*press alt+f4*

*turns off computer*

*goes to sleep and forget everything that has happened today*



EDIT : TO you're a pedo O___O
Alseif wrote...
Oasis - Falling Down, Eden of the East OP.

You have good taste, sir. Oasis is fucking awesome.
K-A wrote...

@somesome: still got money after making that Fairy Wings?

nope, I'm flat broke.
Nanaya 236+B spam FTW.

Shit, why there's no PC release of Actress Again, I wanna play Ryougi Shiki TT____TT
PersonDude wrote...
Sorrow Bloodmist wrote...
I heard somewhere someone made a patch for the pc version that allowed you to get this ending....may have just been a rumor but man I love this text game Heavens Feel ftw ^^

I looked everywhere, but didn't find any news like it. I also doubt it's possible since it's from the PS2. Voices are one thing to extract but a partial storyline from a game engine that doesn't match each other... I don't know... >_>

There is one already, I've installed it. Check Beast Lair. But my complete save file is gone so I can't confirm if it's working or not.
Smoked and accidentally burned my pants.
Monster Girl
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