User Posts

Dammit, I want Gemini so much -__- by far my most precious pets are Cecil and Howard. I wanna hunt more but there's something more important right now >:3

PS: For people who use or had used my account before:
sigh who put my Phen card inside the clip? There was a reason why i didn't insert it yet. Now I have to uncard it, another unnecessary expense while I'm in a great need of money right now. If you want to insert cards at least ask for my or ero's permission, or better, return my equips so my AB can insta-cast once again >=(
lol wtf I saw Godzilla in Old Payon
Forum Image:

the guy also changed to Satan Morroc and LoD but I couldn't take a picture since he was moving around. I think Error404 saw that too. Anyone know how to do that? Not the appearance, but the size.

EDIT: @Fumako the charm stone is part of the Thanatos Tower quest. It's too much of a hassle, better buy one.
Not just archers, every perverted douchebag who loves collecting panties always do that in PK maps. It's just most of them are archer class (me included..... mmm panties)
K-A wrote...
Kazenoken wrote...
somesome wrote...
blargh, too late I already made a new acc >_>
oh well let's just keep my old acc for backup if someone wants to use it >_>

I'll just watch my sons from afar.. oh how have they grown *sniff*

soo can i has some of ur equips now?especially that blinker <_<

same goes for the mini-glasses *__*

blargh, too late I already made a new acc >_>
oh well let's just keep my old acc for backup if someone wants to use it >_>

I'll just watch my sons from afar.. oh how have they grown *sniff*
I feel like a daddy separated from his children T__T

hmm i guess i'll make a new account.
I miss my Undersn T__T

edit: well actually i miss Alkanshel more since I like supporting role more than tanking or killing.

..wait. I miss them all. T__T
Run Away Run Away Run Away Run Away Run Away Run Away Run Away Run Away Run Away

O_o Where did he get that? Did your friend help on the translation project? There was a translated part of F/HA somewhere in BL but it was only at the beginning if I'm not mistaken. If your friend had the script that has been translated further I really want to know and will search for it. And no you don't sound like a noob, I know you joined amukunau's F/HA blog xD

EDIT3 >_> : mmm I dunno if you already know this but maybe you want to check GNdynames' stuff on Wordpress. He has translated 2 FHA scenes.
Jonoe wrote...
elfen lied wrote...
Jonoe wrote...
elfen lied wrote...

*slaps my tree cock around jonoes face*

*counters back with lightsaber penis* " Use the force"

*jizz's in jonoes eye*

Forum Image:

Pic fixed.
I'll shoot the red shooter since he's the biggest threat.

If I hit, I'll be dealing with the orange shooter who can still miss his shot therefore giving me chance of survival.

If I miss, I hope none of them will pay attention to me anymore (since I'm out of ammo making me no longer a threat to them) and kill each other.

After that, like rbz said, down to pistol whipping.
ImperialX wrote...

Well, I'm not a supporter of violence, since that will drag me down to their levels and it can be used against me. Last time I let a guy who I hated beat me up in front of some witnesses I set up and got him expelled when I brought the matter in front of the School Board of Trustees.

Bravo, your patience had been paid off. I guess good guys always laugh last :D
Oh and sorry for being late to say welcome back.

*edited many times >_>
You're doing super great with that Horo pic. Now I can't wait to see my request gets done. I bet it will be awesome.
Bootfighter Windom XP is originally translated by Mirror Moon Translation Group. Download the latest version there.

Quite a nice game with a multiplayer feature. My friend and me have tried to play it online but our connection sucked so it was laggy as shit. That Windom Black Comb there was my fave mecha. Double giant beamsabers FTW ^_^
Jasmine and green tea. And teh tarik is awesome too, especially if it's made the traditional way with a piece of cinnamon bark to add the aroma. I also like to watch how they make it.
Monster Girl
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