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NeoStriker, what Kaimax wanted to say is the simple way to rate VNs' ero score is by looking at the quantity of sex scenes and HCGs, because it makes it easier for people who are looking for VNs for the purpose to enjoy the ero to just look at the chart and say "oh, this game got 5 stars on ero, it must have lots of hentai content I can fap to", simple as that. A good VN, even with quality writings and deep story, will get its ero scored lower (note, just the ero score) than VNs that are more sex-oriented and more focused on the sex scenes.

It's true that good writing in sex scenes matters, but once again, people have their own tastes on their reading material. Some prefer well written background stories, some prefer weird shits like tentacle demon impregnation rape and don't really care much about the setting, some consider the genre of the VNs like sci-fi, romance, horror, etc. In the end it's up to opinions, "things I like", "things I don't like", there's no science in that. This is what I meant by good writings does not always equal good ero. For example, let's say there's a fantasy VN with a really good story, good characters development and lots of good sex scenes, and a lot of people recommended it to me. But I'm not a fan of fantasy genre and there was a scene which, besides being very relevant to the story and had brought tears to other people's eyes, made me cringe because I think it's some really sick shit. Do you think I would rate it high despite everybody praising it?

It's very difficult to judge the VNs' ero rating from the writings because whether a writing is good or bad is entirely up to personal taste and preference, so people will most likely use the easiest form of measurement which is the quantity of ero scenes. Yes, it's not an accurate judgement. Yes, rating of any kind will always be subjective and biased. And yes, there are people who think more sex scenes and pictures is better, but they won't buy Playboy because they like 2D girls better.
NeoStriker wrote...
Kaimax wrote...
NeoStriker wrote...

It's not just the amount of pictures of Ero, it's the quality! The way it's written and presented! The way it feels!

and once again, that's the way "you" feel. then again, you haven't played Amatsukaze to actually compare it with Rance.

You bastard, it's not personal preference, it's writing! Are unrealistic porno scenes good?! Are overly detailed descriptions of the penis while lacking descriptions of everything else supposed to be good?! Writing is a science! And that is what makes it art!

Sorry to intervene but I think you're kinda wrong here. Good writing does not always equal good ero. Although it has a good writing but if there's only a little amount of scenes compared to the whole game then you can't say the ero is the strong point of the game, therefore you can't say the ero is good especially when being compared to other VNs that emphasize on their sex scenes. Also some people do like unrealistic sex scenes or overly detailed description of genitals, it's called fetish. So yes, personal preference also takes part.

NeoStriker wrote...

somesome wrote...

I can't even get mad at this because I don't even think this guy knows what he's talking about. Sekien no Inganock being highly recommended...that thing is everything that's right and wrong with this world. I can't stop being in love with that scenario and it's characters, but the way it wrapped up...the way some answers to the mysteries were presented outside of the actual story, and just "dumped" to you. It really took away from the experience of "uncovering" the mysteries. How does anyone else who played this visual novel feel?

I posted that just in case anyone wants to find out the general summary instead of just stars since it gives more description about the genre or story overview, well, to each their own. I also disagree about some titles put in the recommended sections, like School Days or Canvas 2.
From seeing the obscure list probably someone from /a/ made it, you know how shitty is the relationship between them and /jp/. /jp/ called /a/ noob or babby while the other called them hipster faggots. So yeah anything /a/ likes is hated by /jp/ and vice versa. Can never find a truly objective chart. About Inganock, I dropped it halfway so I can't give any comment, but so far I've no complaint whatsoever with this VN.
OP, compared to other VNs, F/SN is a mediocre, babby's first VN that's filled with flashy actions, asspulls and plot hax. Tsukihime has decent plot and more likeable characters, but to fully understand its universe and creatures you have to read other materials (i.e. retcons everywhere).

Also imo that chart Kaimax posted is a little too subjective and doesn't really explain things. Try this one, it got less VNs but at least there's a synopsis for each of them.
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My entry.
First of all I gotta admit that I screwed up when I was about to take pictures of the finished product, making the sauce looked like some yellow radioactive chemicals, but it's still damn good.

So yeah, eggs benedict.

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Forum Image: forgot the lemon lol
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2 egg yolks
2 eggs
300 gr butter, melted
1 tbsp lemon juice
2 slices of smoked beef/ bacon/ whatever you like
2 whole wheat bread (it should be English muffins but I couldn't find any so I use those)
salt and pepper

Making the Hollandaise sauce:
Forum Image: Forum Image: Forum Image:
is a bitch. Especially if you don't have an electric mixer. Mix the egg yolks and lemon juice in a bowl under boiling water, use small heat. Stir with a whisk until it's getting soft then add melted butter little by little while keep stirring to emulsify the sauce. Keep stirring like a boss until it turns into a nice, fluffy sauce. You can add pepper or salt to your taste.

The second hardest thing is poaching the egg. After that the rest is easy, just stack the smoked beef and poached egg on top of the dough and pour the sauce, voila.

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Forum Image: The abomination. Not gonna heat sauce in the microwave anymore.

Thanks for reading, questions and suggestions are welcomed.
Unzip the file you posted in your first post, open it then scroll down until you find it. Use F4 to switch from full screen to windowed.

edit: PMed the translated game.
After you install the RM2000 just open the RPG_RT.exe in your VH folder. Make sure you switch to Japanese Unicode.
Sounds like that God Eater doujin Eat Me Please! by Ash Yokoshima.

E-hentai gallery

Mine is 01_100727, iirc it's the most recently translated version unless your game is translated too.
>obscene pictures
>Fate Testarossa picture
>give daddy some sugar
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That peasant is neither a gentleman nor a good husbando.
My review after spending 12 hours messing around with the game:

It's fairly easy to befriend people. I start by asking them to do activities together to get a big friendship boost(Studying in the morning, eating lunch on the roof, etc). If they decline I try to talk about club or study first then try asking them again. The fastest I got to yellow status was 3 days and then it went pink the next day. A good strategy is to befriend three people and use the "Let's all study/lunch/practice/go home" command to raise their friendship to yellow/pink simultaneously. It's safe to start talking about love/sex in yellow stats (green if perverted).

The sexual options are very limited. Can't find an option or position that enables cumming outside or cumming together. Too easy to get perpetual orgasms/ tongue out. Yuri only offers different positions. I tried to trigger something different like group/3P or forced sex, still got no result. Switched from boy characters to girls back and forth, tried sexual preference combinations (het/het/bi, het/homo/bi, homo/homo/bi, bi/bi/bi) and still no 3P or alternative position. Every character has befriended every classmate, yet people still run away (or masturbate if they got perverted trait) when they see others having sex. People with Violent trait can only kill each other, couldn't rape or anything.

Wanted to try more than 8 persons but my PC almost exploded. Even with 8 persons I get interrupted while confessing/ having sex very often so it's not recommended to fill the whole class. Got into fights often even when friendship is already yellow, so getting along with everyone is not a good idea (I swear they always follow me everywhere). Getting interrupted is very annoying and hinders my experiments.

TL;DR, this game is a piece of shit. The dating sim atmosphere is a nice idea, but it limits this game's potential, and the system for the H-scene is just plain bad. I still have some faith in Illusion and going to wait for add-ons. If anyone has found something interesting I haven't tried, please tell.
OP, don't forget to post your link to the contest thread. Don't make the same mistake I did last time.
I thought people had made it clear in your previous thread that beggars can't be choosers?

blind51de wrote...
I'd like to bring up the question as to whether there Fakku is hurting for updates or not. Because, well, for the reasons I mentioned. It seems like there's got to be some sort of big update every 2-3 days? Why? Is there really such a huge demand? Is there another doujinshi directory to compete with?

And an update every 2-3 days is a bad thing? Oh I know, it's bad because it's not the kind of doujin you want right? Bawwww another NTR, fuck you LWB for translating stuffs I hate and sharing them for free. I'm gonna check this untagged doujin and if I find any rape/ bondage/ shits I don't like I'm gonna bitch and whine because yall killed my boner and hurt my virgin eyes.

I bet if the updates were vanillas you wouldn't bother making this thread.

blind51de wrote...
If new stuff is hard to find, please don't go scraping the ecchi barrel or taking whatever LWB sends your way.

You don't know anything. If this site takes every stuff LWB has translated the cops would have stormed Jacob's house right now.
First try
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Second try
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Is this some kind of sign? Am I destined to kill Jews?
Yay something I can afford ;_;

I'll try to participate this time.
Although I'd also love to see this tag added, I doubt this will happen soon. Most probably because there aren't that many doujins featuring tanned girls and they often overlap with the mizugi tag, so it's not worthy to get its own tag. Also, the mods and uploaders are busy tagging currently existing doujins right now so I think we shouldn't give them more burden. Maybe after the manga database has been sorted out you can start suggesting more tag ideas?
Monster Girl
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