Haou Airen Summary
One day while walking home from her job, Kurumi Akino finds a wounded young man, and saves his life. He mysteriously dissapears after that, and lea…
[ Poll ] The Great Toradorable Off! (Part 3) The winner of the second battle is Ami Kawashima. Now the real battle begins. Just like the anime these two are always fighting, though they show soft sides to eachother sometimes... It's time for the…
Happy World! Oomura Takeshi is one unlucky fellow. He has has this case of bad luck ever since he was little. One day, while on his normal runs with bad luck, he meets an Angel named Elle, and he finds out that hi…
kannagi (13)end http://www.zomganime.com/kannagi-episode-13/
nice ending....... love it!!.....
EDIT:.....need to erase it........for the sake of my reps....
KUROZUKA It would seem that there is little feedback on the recently finished Kurozuka anime ....
Blasphemy !
The series is way beyond awesome.
It's dar…
Kurokami epi 1 We find out a little about the main characters past. Mainly about his mother dieing in an accident after meeting someone that looked exactly like her. A older childhood friend in taking care of him no…
[ Locked ] Pani Poni Dash! WTF!? I saw this last night on cartoon network at 3 in the morning and was kind shocked at this random show. Da hell is going on in this show?
i need suggestions does anyone have any suggestions on good animes i could watch? like some no one has really heard of before, something underground, or something i would actually have to search for?
Inukami Not sure if im aloud to ask this here, if not just lock it thanks.
Is there a good chance/word that a second season of inukami will come out? Its a great series.
[ Poll ] Fakku You! Rewrite in progress Well I've had some manga ideas recently, and I feel like I wanna say tell you guys about them. Yes it's based off Fakku so please Jacob don't kill me if it seems stupid. Here it is my ideas beginning …
The future of anime??? Do you guys think that the future of anime belong to 3D? If not, what do you think it will be like.
(ps: if you guys are angry, don't form an angry mob to burn my house toilet. That would…
Ramen Fighter Miki. I rented Ramen Fighter Miki the other day, the first disc containing 4 episodes. And I found it completely hilarious. :lol:
It's sub only, and a box set comes out in november which I can't wai…