Waar wrote...
Anesthetize wrote...
if post count is such an issue then why not just get rid of the number?
And if gambler agrees then i'll accept it. Doesn't mean i have to agree to it though.
Suggest it to Jacob. He wont say yes but it's an idea.
Edit; to the second point, you'll accept it either way, One of the admins and 3/4 global moderators agree, even if Gamb were to reject the idea the thread isnt moving now.
I know that's a lost cause. Times change and things change yet jacob is reluctant and wants to stick with outdated principles and rules like parents are.
Tbh you could just leave the thread in the music section and make the posts not count towards post count, which isn't even hard to code and everyone wins.
Ironic though, you say this isn't a democracy yet you use democratic theory in that instance.