hgatedc wrote...
again, such explanation doesnt really help the authors and artists any bit, and really is just for leechers. cut the "exposure" bullcrap because they write it themselves in their books not to pirate it. people shouldnt even be calling themselves fans when they just utter completely disrespect the authors.
I never actually said any of that, but that aside neither of us can speak on behalf of the authors themselves. They don't all share the same opinions on this topic either. I worked as a software developer in the past and may have even had my own creations pirated, but I'm not going to fool myself into thinking those were lost sales. The old "stealing your payroll" line is a vast oversimplification of how these things work in reality.
hgatedc wrote...
just because it persists, doesnt mean it should be tolerated. unless you tell me it's fine for me to steal your payroll all the time. you dont imagine these things because you're on the benefiting side of piracy, not on the short end of the stick.
I think you've mistaken me for a pirate. I'm not advocating for or benefitting from piracy. I said previously in this very thread that the unlicensed content had to go and I was glad to see it. I'm against piracy. I bought legal copies of most of the books Fakku has released to date. I've also bought Japanese editions of books and own enough legitimate Japanese Blu-rays, DVDs and figures to make a Japanese Otaku feel at home.
No, I don't have any love for pirates. What I am saying is that paying customers must come first. Things like DRM may stop some less-knowledgable pirates, but turn off legitimate customers too. Jacob and the Fakku staff could spend all their time issuing DMCA take downs and what good would that do? Half the sites would just ignore the notices anyway, and all that time they could have done something useful with is wasted.
It doesn't matter if you want to tolerate piracy or not. It's like saying you won't tolerate the sun rising in the morning. You can try, but don't be surprised when it still happens anyway and you have nothing to show for it.