Front Page News


Home Again AWA was a lot of fun this past weekend, got to meet a lot of you in person. If you are interested in keeping up with my adventures you should …
I love niwatori. I am such a sucker for these types of things. I …
I Come With Awesome. Sup Fakkers. How many of you still remember me? I have a treat for all of you hentai lovers out there. On behalf of Unlimited Fap Works, …
Learn Japanese Maritan! Reposting a really old topic just because it's still, and always will be, awesome. …
サンドイッãƒ� I don't really have anything to say with this update... so here's an SNSD video. Oh and Nikon will be at NDK in Denver this weekend, check out his topic …
Wanko to Kurasou + Hentai A little over two weeks ago Yandere Translations (which I believe is a sub-group of Mirror Moon?) released the English patch for [color=darkre…
I can't think of a title for this update. Over the past few days we have continued to do some new things across the site. The latest has been a redesign of the view online page…
Happy Birthday Gambler and Nikon! It just so happens that two of our admins have birthdays on the same day. And that day is today. So I'd like to wish Gambler…
Newer New Front Page So I decided to give in and bring back the cover images for newest manga on the front page. HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY. It actually looks pretty good, so I am also happy. In other news, I fi…
New Front Page As you can see I am making some changes to the front page. Nothing is permanent yet so opinions and suggestions are always welcome. Here are some new uploads:…
More H-Anime Goodness If you've been checking FAKKU about six weeks ago, you may remember my post about the first episode of Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo, and th…
O Canada. I just got home from Otakuthon in Montreal and I have to say, the convention was awesome. All of the staff members I met over the weekend were incredibly nice and helpful and I was shocked to l…
New Stuff No time to talk. ENJOY.…
Comic Market 78! As many of you will know, Comic Market 78 (or Comiket for short) has just ended in Japan. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the event, the semiannual Comic Market convention in Japan is…
Delicious Girl-On-Girl Action I suppose half of you are at Otakon having the time of your lives. In any case, on behalf of Unlimited Fap Works, I'd like to present our newest h-anim…
[ Locked ] Otakon! Otakon was an awesome time, as expected. Got to meet a ton of users from the site and we had a lot of fun. The meetup was a good time with good food and good people. Had a little photoshoot and everyo…
Fixes! After a long wait I have finally rolled out some of the fixes I have been promising, sorry for the delay. And to make it even better I have uploaded some new stuff as well.Also I ha…
Epilogue of Evangelion None of this update is hentai, but I if you are an Evangelion fan you will enjoy it. It's the latest release from my good friends over at StrangeCompanions. And I promise, soon there will be tags and …