EineKrone wrote...
So the explosions aren't related to your cleaning? Weird...
I'm back on Windows, trying to install everything again. Right now I'm readying a snack, too much to do >.<
Also, new books about systems and web development, will be ready for next term *evil grin*
And hooray for your theory, a friend had something similar(time/4th dimension don't actually exist, but it's a collective idea of humans. I think he is mixing physics with mind study... but I really don't have enough knowledge to point all the flaws :( )
but he didn't put effort into continuing it... *facepalms hard*
[color=#993300]The explosions are from the warring idiots that try to take the land around echo's estate, especially since it's disputed and unclaimed. My job is to remove the aggressors with precision rounds from drone strikes, no explosion in it.
I will say that time has to exist, or else what other method would we use to explain decay and star death? Time may be changed by speed or observation, but still must exist.